Saturday, June 30, 2007 

"Asians" drive burning car into airport terminal at Glasgow airport

About a day after the bomb scare over in London, another terrorist attack takes place at the Glasgow airport. Sky News (via Hot Air) has this to say about who the culprits are:
It comes just a day after two car bombs were found in London. And it is in the same week that Gordon Brown became Britain's new Prime Minister, and is exactly seven days before the second anniversary of the 7/7 attacks in London.

The Jeep was being driven at around 30mph when it smashed into a glass door at Terminal One of Glasgow airport.

Hundreds of shocked holidaymakers were in the area at the time, and witnesses said some of them removed gas cylinders from the jeep.

There are reports the occupants - described as Asian males - were trying to pour petrol on the flames.
In North America, when we say Asian, it often means people of Chinese, Japanese and Korean descent. But in Britain, it often means people of Pakistani and Afghanistani descent. There's your answer, but most importantly of all, a clue to that this is the work of yet more Islamofascism.

Update: most disgusting here is how Red Ken Livingstone is acting as an apologist for Muslims in Britain. He should be dismiseed as mayor of London, but who's going to do that?

Others on the subject include Ed Driscoll, Riehl World View, Blue Crab Boulevard, Pajamas Media, Fullosseous Flap, Michelle Malkin, BitsBlog, Counterterrorism Blog, Stop the ACLU.

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Jihad mouse becomes Martyr Mouse

The Hamas killed off its own Mickey Mouse TV ripoff, but unsurprisingly, it seems that they had an Israeli character do it:
Farfur, the Mickey Mouse lookalike who preached Islamic domination and hatred of Jews on a children's television program on Hamas TV was the victim of a "beating death" in the show's final episode Friday.

An actor posing as an Israeli official tried to buy Farfur's "land." The mouse called the Israeli a "terrorist" and defended himself valiantly, with squeaks and grunts. "Farfur was martyred while defending his land," Sara, the teen presenter intoned. He was killed "by the killers of children," she added, helpfully.
NOT helpfully, I would say, rather, what was done was inciteful!

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Friday, June 29, 2007 

Car bomb found in London's Haymarket neighborhood

An attempted car bombing was thwarted in the Haymarket area in London, and the al Qaeda is suspected:
The threat of terror returned to London today after a car bomb was found outside a West End nightclub.

The apparent target was Tiger Tiger in Haymarket, where up to 1,700 people were inside on 'ladies night'.

It is feared the attack is the work of Al Qaeda militants, who plotted a similar attack on the capital's Ministry of Sound nightclub and Bluewater shopping centre. The British-born Al Qaeda gang was jailed last month.

Police were called shortly before 2am this morning and the immediate area was cordoned off while explosives officers made the 'potentially viable device' safe.
It sounds to me like they were plotting to murder women out of Islamo-misogyny. And they were homegrown too. But it could also be connected with the new incitement against Salman Rushdie.

And it wasn't the only one, for more, see at Hot Air how there was at least one more attempted attack that took place at Picadilly Circus.

Others on the subject include Michelle Malkin, Sticky Notes, American Pundit, One Jerusalem, Pirates' Cove.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007 

Dubya's amnesty plan collapses

Finally, president Dubya's had his whole amnesty bill rejected in the Senate. Predictably, the AP writes about it all the wrong way, but there we have it, the bill, supported by such poor politicians as Harry Reid has been buried. Now, I don't suppose they'll allow it to STAY that way for a change, and not keep trying to revive it a la Frankenstein? What they could do now is start making serious efforts to improve law enforcement by firing Michael Chertoff and appointing a new DHS chief who's respectable of public opinion and can do his/her best to round up all 12 million illegal immigrants and show them the door. That would be taking a much more positive step.

Others glad to see the bill collapse include Michelle Malkin, Chaotic Ramblings, The Pink Flamingo Bar and Grill, Political Vindication, Stuck on Stupid, Pirates' Cove, Iowa Voice, Thinking Right.


Wednesday, June 27, 2007 

Bolton on Iran

John Bolton once again speaks sanity and reason in this article from the Jerusalem Post (via Melanie Phillips):
Sanctions and diplomacy have failed and it may be too late for internal opposition to oust the Islamist regime, leaving only military intervention to stop Iran’s drive to nuclear weapons, the US’s former ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. Worse still, according to Ambassador Bolton, the Bush administration does not recognize the urgency of the hour and that the options are now limited to only the possibility of regime change from within or a last-resort military intervention, and it is still clinging to the dangerous and misguided belief that sanctions can be effective. As a consequence, Bolton said he was “very worried” about the well-being of Israel. If he were in Israel’s predicament, he said, ‘I’d be pushing the US very hard. I am pushing the US [administration] very hard, from the outside, in Washington…

‘The current approach of the Europeans and the Americans is not just doomed to failure, but dangerous,’ he said. ‘Dealing with [the Iranians] just gives them what they want, which is more time… We have fiddled away four years, in which Europe tried to persuade Iran to give up voluntarily,’ he complained. ‘Iran in those four years mastered uranium conversion from solid to gas and now enrichment to weapons grade… We lost four years to feckless European diplomacy and our options are very limited.’
Yup, only the military option can really help in a case like this, and not "diplomacy". That's why it's time now to start readying the armies of democratic nations to deal with this nuclear threat looming from Iran. And most important of all, if you ask me, is to depose of Islam within Iran too.

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Tancredo sends Chertoff lettuce and fruit basket

Congressman Tom Tancredo has an interesting way of disagreeing with the awful head of the DHS, Michael Chertoff, on his statement that the agriculturual industry would suffer without amnesty for illegal aliens: he's sending him a head of lettuce and a fruit basket.

I think it can be said that quite a few people are still waiting for Chertoff to announce his long overdue resignation, BTW.

Others on the subject include Michelle Malkin, American Pundit, Bill's Bites.

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Tony Blair will only hurt things as an envoy

Will Blair help or hurt in his new job as an envoy? That's what this JTA article is asking, but I think the answers can pretty much be figured out:
Tony Blair's frequent calls for the need to create a Palestinian state and his vital support for the Iraq war raise major questions for officials in Jerusalem and Arab capitals.

WASHINGTON (JTA) – Tony Blair brings a lot to his new job as a peace envoy: His hands-on experience as British prime minister in dealing with Middle East issues, the confidence President Bush places in him as a loyal supporter of the Iraq war, a long-held view that resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is vital to stabilizing the region.

The question in this case is whether "a lot" constitutes useful experience or debilitating baggage.
Answer: he will only bring baggage that we in Israel will have to carry as our horrid burden.

And I don't agree at all with this article that says that Blair is leaving a legacy of support for Israel. Not at all.

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Dubya's going to a mosque again

It seems that Dubya intends to waste his time visiting the Islamic Center of Washington D.C, for re-dedication to some no doubt useless purpose (H/T: Michelle Malkin). This is the same mosque center he visited following 9-11 and said that Islam is "peace", and where the former head of the mosque, Muhammed al-Asi, once told Iranian television that the US government was to blame for 9-11.

Any succeeding presidential candidate is going to have to prove themselves capable of not going to places like what Dubya is going to.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007 

Border fences can stop terrorists as well as illegal immigrants

Trouble is, John McCain does not seem to understand that:
“America is still the land of opportunity,” Senator John McCain recently said. “And we’re not going to erect barriers and fences.”

Unlucky us.

Along with Massachusetts Democrat Ted Kennedy, the Arizona Republican cosponsored immigration legislation currently crawling through the Senate. McCain should recognize that without a barrier or fence, the U.S./Mexican frontier will continue to welcome Islamic extremists pledged to America’s doom.
One more reason why not to support McCain for president.

As this report (in PDF format) by the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Investigations from January tells, Hezbollah terrorists have already infiltrated the southern border. If they could penetrate, so could others. That's exactly why the fence needs to be built.

Hat tip: Molten Thought.

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BBC employs a Hamas terrorist

They also once employed a man who was a member of a British mafia syndicate, so I guess this shouldn't be too surprising. (Via Michelle Malkin.) Nor is it surprising to me that the British government is letting the Beeb get away with it.

Update: more from Melanie Phillips.

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Yes, there are terrorist blogs out there too

Wired's Danger Room (via The Mudville Gazette) points to a number of blogs run by terrorists and their sympathisers that use the internet to wage their horrific war and spread vulgar propaganda. These are something that everyone needs to be wary of.


Monday, June 25, 2007 

British Muslims get puff pieces from AP

The AP gushes over how, in the past decade during Tony Blair's tenure as prime minister, Muslims in Britain have made considerable gains. Just look at all the talk here that gushes, and even some of the statements made by Muslims that clash with what the AP enjoys reporting:
DEWSBURY, England - Under the shadow of a towering minaret in a Muslim enclave, veiled women stroll, shiny new cars line the streets and houses are being expanded.

It's an image of prosperity among British Muslims that didn't exist here before Prime Minister Tony Blair, who inspired hope of a better life among the religious minority when he came to power in 1997 — and kept many of his promises.

Blair's Labour Party successor, Gordon Brown, will face tougher challenges with the Muslim community when he takes over Wednesday as Britain's new prime minister. Amid deep discontent over the Iraq war and a security crackdown, many Muslims say they've become Britain's new outcasts. They feel betrayed by Blair, and are wary of a future under Brown.

Materially, Muslims remain Britain's most deprived minority, but official figures provide compelling evidence that Blair's tenure helped their situation, though the economy showed signs of improving before he took office.

Unemployment among Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, almost all of whom are Muslim, fell 4 to 6 percent from 1991 to 2001, census figures show, although Muslims in general still have the highest unemployment rate in Britain at 12 percent.

In Kirklees, the district in which Dewsbury is set, unemployment among the 30,000 strong Pakistani population was cut in half during the same period.

Britain's Muslims — who now number some 1.8 million — have benefited in other respects.

State funding for Muslim schools was introduced for the first time, a religious hatred law was introduced and a much reviled visa requirement that led to the separation of families was repealed.

Another sign of the new recognition for British Muslims came with election of the nation's first Muslim lawmakers in 1997. Blair had pledged to make the government more representative.

In Dewsbury, a former textile town where jobs dried up under Margaret Thatcher, the number of Muslims able to afford the pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, has soared over the past decade, said Kaushar Tai, a 48-year-old management consultant.

"You can only go if you can afford it and you are in good health," he said. "People are in good health and they can afford it, which he has to take some credit for."

But the gains have been tempered by fierce anger over Blair's foreign policy and new anti-terrorism measures that include tough restrictions on speech believed to promote terrorism.

Brown has promised to win back the trust of the British people. He has also vowed to reassess Britain's operations in Iraq, although a troop withdrawal is unlikely.

But he also has supported a call to hold terror suspects without charge for up to 90 days — an increase on the current 28 days — and advocated introducing phone tap evidence into British courts for the first time.

The moves are likely to inflame tensions in Muslim communities and could saddle Brown with the worries that dogged Blair during his leadership, no more evident than on July 7, 2005, when suicide bombers killed 52 commuters on London's transit system.

In Dewsbury, where the July 7 ringleader Mohammed Sidique Khan lived, the far-right British National Party has profited from the public's nervousness about its Muslim minority.

On a fiercely anti-Muslim platform that included the call for all Muslims to be banned from flying in and out of Britain on security grounds, the BNP managed to get its candidate in Dewsbury elected to the local council in 2006.

Blair, who famously carried around the Quran and made a point of opening his office to British Muslims, has denied his government conspired against Muslims. But many didn't believe him.

Like the July 7 bombers, they point to the Iraq war as proof.

Tai said the government underestimated the impact the war would have on Britain's Muslims.

"For Muslims what happens internationally has an impact locally," he said, underlining how fraternal ties in Islam cross borders.

One-time Muslim Blairites like Hanif Rehman, a 33-year-old father of two who lives in Dewsbury and works for British Telecom, turned their backs on Labour. Rehman remains skeptical of Brown — saying he has been sullied by his ties to Blair.

Brown has promised no retreat in the fight against terrorism. He talks of a "hearts and minds" exercise to freeze out extremists and promote moderation. Muslims say this amounts to little more than a social engineering project that risks further alienation.

"I don't trust him," Rehman said. "We're all on thin ice."
How ironic, given that I don't trust Gordon Brown from my end of the spectrum either. Aside from that, look at how the state has taken to funding Muslim schools, rather than most Muslim sources and reps raising and earning the funding themselves. On the public's taxes, I'll bet. Under Blair, it seems that welfare has come into play quite a bit (one reason why the UK is being called "the nanny state"), and this is but an example of how it's used to finance all the wrong sources.

And I certainly wouldn't trust the BNP, since, as Melanie Phillips once pointed out, in spite of anything, they are a racist party hiding behind a legitimate concern being used as their sophisticated weapon. Come to think of it, how do we know that Muslims in Britain don't or wouldn't support the BNP? Fascists, after all, do see each other as otherwise perfect allies to each other in the end, don't they?

Another of the worst things about all this is that, as a commentor on this topic at What's Wrong With the World says:
Immigration has shot up since Blair came to power, only very recently has he come to question it. But immigration remains as high as ever, and he refuses to do anything about it.
While immigration to Britain includes a lot of eastern Europeans, from Poland, for example, it wouldn't surprise me if there were plenty of Muslims making the move to the UK as well. That's why I wouldn't be surprised if the Muslim population now numbers at least two million, maybe more, and if the MSM were minimizing/downplaying it.

Blair may go down in history as being no better than most other politicians before him who allowed bad things to flourish under their tenures, and as another commentor at the above blog says:
Whatever good he may have done for the US is far outweighed by the harm he has done to Britain.
What Blair did is almost like moral equivalence - he helped in an important war, yet at the same time appeased the enemy back at home.

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Hamas taped Gilad Shalit

The Hamas released an audio recording of Gilad Shalit, whom Ehud Olmert's government has abandoned for almost a year now. The most enraging thing about this is that there's still no telling if they will take any genuine steps to rescue him.

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Back you go to the slammer, Omri Sharon

The son of the former prime minister has gotten another jail sentence, although it's two months reduced from his first sentencing:
( Ariel Sharon's son and Disengagement-facilitator Omri Sharon will enter prison next month for a seven-month term for election crimes.

Omri Sharon, the older son of comatose former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, has had his nine-month sentence reduced but not revoked. He was convicted a year ago of having violated campaign finance laws by receiving illegal contributions and lying under oath. Much evidence, including documents, affidavits, recorded testimony and admissions, was amassed showing that Omri activated fictitious associations to help his father beat Ehud Olmert in the Likud primaries of 1999.

His appeal for clemency was partially granted today, and he will serve only seven months instead of nine.
That's disappointing. He should serve the whole sentence he got in the first place. Come to think of it, he should be serving much more jail time then that too.

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CAIR's ties to al Qaida

Front Page Magazine has a lengthy article about the emerging discoveries of connections between CAIR and al Qaida (Hat tip: Newsbusters and BizzyBlog):
It started out as an investigation into U.S.-based financing of Hamas terrorist operations, which was bad enough. But as federal investigators developed a matrix of suspects, they discovered a possible 9/11 connection.

The Holy Land Foundation terror case has already touched the top Muslim lobby in Washington -- the Council on American-Islamic Relations -- which U.S. prosecutors recently named as an unindicted co-conspirator.

A former senior CAIR official is among five indicted figures in the major terror-funding case. It turns out he is related by marriage to a key suspect in the conspiracy -- a radical Muslim cleric and activist who authorities have linked to al-Qaida.

In fact, they say the cleric is closely connected to the spiritual adviser to the 9/11 hijackers.

Federal investigators have learned that imam Mohammed El-Mezain -- who goes on trial next month with one of CAIR's founding board members -- once lived in the same small Colorado apartment complex with another imam accused of preparing some of the hijackers for their "martyrdom" operation.
There's more to read on this too. I think it's high time to put CAIR on the list of organizations to fully indict.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007 

D is for Delicious Dunkin' Donuts!

Dunkin' Donuts supports legal immigration laws and upholding the law, and for that, we should return favor by buying some of their yummy donuts. From the Star-Ledger (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin):
In April, Dunkin' Donuts filed a lawsuit in federal court asking a judge to terminate the franchise agreement it has with two stores in Central Jersey, saying the owners knowingly accepted false documents, used false Social Security numbers and paid employees in cash.

The company has filed similar lawsuits seeking to sever ties with franchises in Boston, Atlanta and Florida, where it is has accused three franchises of hiring illegal immigrants.

The lawsuits come a year after Dunkin’ Donuts became the most well-known corporation to enroll in Basic Pilot, a voluntary U.S. Department of Homeland Security program that allows employers to perform electronic document checks to verify that applicants are eligible to work.

Under the Senate bill, the electronic verification program, currently used by less than 1 percent of all U.S. businesses, would become mandatory.

Dunkin’ Donuts officials declined to comment on the lawsuits.

In a written statement, company officials said that requiring its 5,100 stores to enroll in Basic Pilot “is the right thing to do for our franchisees, for Dunkin’ Brands, and most of all, for our franchisees’ workers.”
In another month, I'm travelling to the US, where I'll be delighted to buy some of their yummy packages of donuts. Until then, everybody head for the nearest chain to get some of their best donuts and coffee!



Saddam's chemist cousin sentenced to hang

Saddam's cousin al-Majid, the madman in charge of their chemical warfare against the Kurds, has been sentenced to death:
BAGHDAD (AP) - Two decades after Iraq's military laid waste to Kurdish villages, the Iraqi High Tribunal on Sunday sentenced Ali Hassan al-Majid, known as "Chemical Ali," and two others to death for their roles in the bloody campaign against the restive ethnic minority.

Al-Majid, a cousin of executed former President Saddam Hussein, was convicted of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes for ordering army and security services to use chemical weapons in an offensive said to have killed some 180,000 people during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war.
Hang 'im high, I say!

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Saturday, June 23, 2007 

Awesome: House bans aid to Saudi Arabia

Congress has taken an important step in dealing with the zygote of Islamofascism (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin):
The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Friday to prohibit any aid to Saudi Arabia as lawmakers accused the close ally of religious intolerance and bankrolling terrorist organizations.

The prohibition, reflecting persistent tensions with the kingdom after the September 11 attacks on the United States in 2001, was attached to a foreign aid funding bill for next year that has not yet been debated by the Senate.

It also faces a veto threat from the White House because of an unrelated provision.

A spokesman for the Saudi embassy in Washington declined to comment on the legislation.

In the past three years, Congress has passed bills to stop the relatively small amount of U.S. aid to Saudi Arabia, only to see the Bush administration circumvent the prohibitions.

Now, lawmakers are trying to close loopholes so that no more U.S. aid can be sent to the world’s leading petroleum exporter.

“By cutting off aid and closing the loophole we send a clear message to the Saudi Arabian government that they must be a true ally in advancing peace in the Middle East,” said Rep. Anthony Weiner, a New York Democrat.

According to supporters of the legislation, the United States provided $2.5 million to Riyadh in 2005 and 2006.
Besides banning aid to them, there should also be legislation made to ban business and trade with the House of Saud. No country like them that supports fascism should have to have business deals made with. And prince Alwaleed shouldn't be allowed to make investments in American companies either.

Trackposted to: 123Beta, Church and State, Dumb Ox News, Mark My Words.

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Friday, June 22, 2007 

Freund says: take back Gaza now

Michael Freund discusses why Israel needs to start taking back Gaza now, to topple the Fatah as well as the Hamas and try its leaders, among other things.



Pixar goes anti-war with a new cartoon

Well, it sure seems that way. A new movie called "Terra" is coming out, and the invading baddies here are the humans (Hat tip: Newsbusters):
It's a familiar tale, but there's a twist: The invaders are human, and the townsfolk are the salamander-like, peaceful victims who must rise up against the monsters.

"It's not anti-human," says producer Keith Calder, who adds the movie shows the good and bad of our own species.
Really, Mr. Calder? Then explain this, please:
In the tradition of sci-fi invasion tales, Terra is loaded with allegories about imperialism. "It touches on a lot of current issues and shows a sense of responsibility for actions," Calder says.
Perhaps if this had been a movie in which the humans were characterized as futuristic Muslim conquestors, or even futuristic German nazis, then maybe we could accept that this isn't anti-human, but, if they're not making any clear distinctions and just using humans in and of themselves as the enemies here, then they simply don't have a leg to stand on. I don't suppose then that Calder might be willing to take responsibility for his actions? Besides, moral equivalency, if he's espousing it, just simply won't do.

If that's how they're going to go about their business, all I can say then is boos to Pixar animation, and they have no further business to do with us!

More on this at Hot Air.

Trackposted to: Jo's Cafe, Outside the Beltway, Perri Nelson's Website.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007 

Goldberg asks Beinart what the problem is that liberals have with Israel

In their latest podcast on NRO, Jonah Goldberg asks The New Republic's Peter Beinart what problem liberals have with Israel.



Fred Thompson slams CAIR

Republican Fred Thompson has done something good (Hat tip: Hot Air). Interesting that he's doing it on the same network that fired Michael Graham at CAIR's behest two years ago. But good that they've respected Fred's right to do so.
For years, CAIR has claimed to represent millions of American Muslims. In fact, they claim to represent more Muslim in American than … there are in America. This has alarmed Americans in general as the group often seems to be more aligned with our enemies than us — which isn’t surprising as it spun off from a group funded by Hamas. As you know, Hamas has been waging a terrorist war against Israel and calls for its total destruction. It also promises to see America destroyed. Nowadays, Hamas is busy murdering its Palestinian political rivals.

Even with this history, and CAIR’s conspicuous failure to condemn Hamas by name, it has been treated as if represents Muslim Americans by our own government. The good news is that the financial support CAIR claims to have among American Muslims is a myth. We know this because The Washington Times got hold of the group’s IRS tax records.

CAIR’s dues-paying membership has shrunk 90 percent since 9/11 — from 29,000 in 2000 to only 1,700 last year. CAIR’s annual income from dues plunged from $733,000 to $59,000. Clearly, America’s Muslims are not supporting this group — and I’m happy to hear about it.
And I'm happy to learn what Fred said. He's doing the right thing. The more criticism boldly and fearlessly given to CAIR, the easier it'll be to punish them for their crimes.

See also these videos of Thompson in London at the Britain and America blog (Hat tip: One Jerusalem).

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The left is knocked up by "Knocked Up"

A new comedic movie called "Knocked Up" came out and the left is put off because it doesn't involve abortion, which they actually want. Newsbusters points to some reviews by The New Yorker, the New York Times, and Slate that only seem to want that this movie have abortion as an option.

That's what points to a big problem in showbiz: they don't seem to want to put any true emphasis on being a parent and the joys of having children. That's one of the reasons why many showbiz items have become so horrible, because they're not willing to explore the possibilities of what it's like to be a parent, even a single one!

Maybe this movie will be an opportunity to start calling for more stuff involving the option to be a parent and the greatness of having children for a change, and even focus on what greatness they can bring to the world as well!


Wednesday, June 20, 2007 

Ex-Muslims stand up in Britain

Michelle Malkin points to a group first launched in Germany that represents former Muslims in Europe. Reuters, predictably, would rather use what are called scare quotes for of this, but looking past that, there's certainly much to be impressed by here. For more, here's an entry from the blog of Maryam Namazie, one of the leaders of the group of bold folks who're bravely risking it to help the west.

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Some US lawmakers are uneasy with government's aid policy for Fatah

Following the news that the Dubya administration wants to lift the embargo against Fatah, which it still views as legitimate in spite of everything, including Fatah's willingness to give funding to Hamas, some US lawmakers are uncomfortable with it, though this AP article predictably insists on all but whitewashing Fatah:
WASHINGTON - President Bush's decision to resume U.S. aid to the Palestinian government has left some lawmakers uneasy, including at least one Republican who wants to pass a law that would reverse it.

"I have grave concerns that we would set aside our current preconditions for support in the wake of this emergency," said Rep. Mike Pence, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Middle East and South Asia subcommittee. "What we ought to be doing is reconsidering our policy."

Last week, Hamas seized control of the tiny coastal territory of the Gaza Strip from Fatah security forces. The rout prompted President Mahmoud Abbas to evict Hamas from the Hamas-Fatah coalition government, a move Hamas decries as illegal.

The almost 3 million Palestinians now essentially have two governments. Nearly half are under Hamas' control in the Gaza Strip, with the rest under Abbas' authority in the West Bank. Hamas is sworn to Israel's destruction and is regarded a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel, while Abbas' more moderate Fatah movement seeks peace with the Jewish state.
Ah ah ah. As some analysts in recent years have said, it's far less than three million, and Fatah is not moderate and does not seek peace with Israel, nor the US for that matter.
Congress has been mostly quiet on the issue, although some Republicans say they have grave concerns the money will end up in the hands of Hamas.

"I think that's a noble intention but in a practical sense it will end up giving U.S. taxpayer dollars to a terrorist organization, which is Hamas," said Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Pence, R-Ind., said he is drafting legislation that would restrict money from being given to the Palestinians so long as Hamas has control of Gaza. Pence wants to offer the measure as an amendment to a $34.2 billion bill that funds the State Department and foreign assistance programs.

Pence said his concern is that Bush's decision to resume aid will "open the flood gates of support for authorities within the Fatah government that could ultimately be used against Israel," he said in an interview Wednesday.

"Right now we're at a time when Hamas is sitting behind the desk of government buildings in Gaza City wearing ski masks and holding AK-47s," he added. "It's hard for me to see where we can provide any funds directly or indirectly to supplement or support what is an emerging terrorist Palestinian state."
It's good to see that some Republicans are concerned. Perhaps they too might be willing to acknowledge the fact that Fatah, as an offspring of the PLO, is still a terrorist organization themselves?

Most important of all is that the government is spending millions of taxpayers' money on a terrorist organization, and I think there should be questions about if they're doing the right thing to be paying other people's money to those who would doubtlessly exploit it for evil.

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Now, the Israeli army starts entering Gaza?

We see here that the IDF has begun attacking the Gaza strip, which in a short time this past week became a Hamas stronghold.
EREZ CROSSING, Gaza Strip (AP) - Israel fired missiles and sent tanks on a foray into Gaza on Wednesday, killing four Palestinians in the first military action since Hamas militants took control.

At the same time, Israel eased restrictions on travel in and out of Gaza, letting in a few seriously ill Palestinians who had been holed up for days at a fetid border crossing.

A teenager with leukemia and two other chronically ill Palestinians were on their way through the tunnel at the Erez crossing in Israel, the military said. Israeli officials also authorized entry of all foreign nationals living in Gaza.

Israel's Supreme Court was hearing a petition by a human rights group demanding that Israeli authorities also offer immediate medical treatment to 26 critically ill Palestinians hospitalized in Gaza.
I should hope that any who're allowed to go to a hospital here are being scrutinized, as we cannot allow the potentially dangerous to be let loose.
Israeli aircraft, meanwhile, fired missiles at two rocket launchers in northern Gaza, in the first aerial attack since the Islamic militants of Hamas took over the coastal strip last week. No injuries were reported in the strike, which came in retaliation for militant rocket fire on Israel.

Earlier in the day, Israeli tanks entered southern Gaza, and four people, including at least two militants, were killed in an exchange of fire, Palestinian hospital officials said.

In the West Bank, two Palestinian militants were killed in a shootout with Israeli troops during an arrest raid near Jenin.
Now here's an exit question: is this by any chance an attempt by Ehud Barak, since he's become defense minister, to try and do something to please the Israeli public? Considering that he led to some of this, certainly the second Lebanon war, that's why I wouldn't be in such a hurry to congratulate him for this, since he did after all lead to much of the damage in the first place.

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Collette Avital overreacts about swimsuit modeling

Maxim decided to do a special issue dedicated to female IDF soldiers who've also worked as models, but it seems that on the left, yes, the left, there are those who dislike it because, y'know, it's worse than violence, I'm betting.
A spread in the upcoming July issue of Maxim features a roster of Israeli models, all ex-soldiers, photographed wearing very little in the cause of their country. Headlined "Women of the Israel Defense Forces," the campaign has already been criticized as inappropriate in Israel.
Sounds to me as though this AP dud were taking the side of those who dissent, more on which anon. I really don't like the way they put it here, as it sounds, um...rude.
The consulate and Maxim were set to launch the Israel-themed photo shoot at a glitzy event in Manhattan on Tuesday night.

But in Israel, the campaign drew an angry reaction from lawmaker Colette Avital, a former diplomat who served as Israel's consul-general in New York in the 1990s.

"We definitely have public relations problems, and I'm all for creative solutions," Avital told The Associated Press. "But there are enough beautiful and interesting things we can use to tap this demographic than to show a half-naked woman in a magazine of this kind, considered pornographic.

"I don't think this helps Israel's image."
So says someone who can only think to offer up a superficial argument and who probably thinks that weakness in the face of Hamas/Fatah terrorism is what helps Israel's image. I've seen at least one of the advertisements already, and it's far from being the insult that Avital, in all her leftist mindset, perceives it to be.

And Gal Gadot is such a darling!

Update: here's more about her from the NY Post (Hat tip: Lawhawk).

Update: here's one more hot photo of Gadot:

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Bye bye Bloomberg

NYC mayor Michael Bloomburg is leaving the GOP and becoming what's usually known as an independent. But it really doesn't matter, since while there were some good things he did, he also made ridiculous parrot remarks about illegal immigration that could be seen as insulting to many Americans. In that case, his departure from the GOP is welcome, as he made himself look absurd in addressing what's become a major national issue by now.

Others on the subject include Michelle Malkin, Bill's Bites, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, Suitably Flip, Paxalles.

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Finally, a woman suited to be president

If most political fields would consider politicians like India's Pratabha Patil, who boldly said that women should throw off the "veil of the invader", then they'd know just who the women are who are suited to be presidential candidates. Mrs. Patil has made a bold statement, and I hope she remains firm upon it.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007 

Sick Scripps-Howard editorial

Dale McFeatters, an editorialist for Scripps-Howard News Service, wants the usual thing that an anti-Israelist would want:
Bush will have to prevail on the Israelis, as he's been loath to do so far, to begin dismantling illegal Israeli settlements on the West Bank, ease up on travel restrictions on the Palestinians and release some of the prisoners it has swept up.
As usual, this kind of BS is written without offering any kind of explanation why the "settlements" are illegal, nor the fact that many of these prisoners are terrorist culprits. This McFeatters deserves nothing but scorn.

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If there's anyone most deserving of knighthood in the UK, it's Salman Rushdie

Unfortunately, Islamofascists worldwide don't think so. Worse, they're using this now as a justification for suicide bombings, and worse:
Britain's decision to award Salman Rushdie a knighthood set off a storm of protest in the Islamic world today, with a Pakistani government minister giving warning that it could provide justification for suicide bomb attacks.

Rushdie was awarded the title in the Queen's Birthday Honours on Saturday. He has lived under police protection since the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran pronounced a fatwa (death sentence) on him over alleged blasphemies against Islam in his 1988 novel The Satanic Verses.

Today, Pakistan's religious affairs minister suggested that the knighthood was so grave an offence that any Muslim anywhere in the world would be justified in taking violent action.

"If somebody has to attack by strapping bombs to his body to protect the honour of the Prophet then it is justified," Mr ul-Haq told the National Assembly.
I hope the British government doesn't appease the cowards by revoking the awards they've given to Rushdie, who had true courage when he first published the Satanic Verses in 1988. But alas, we can't be sure.

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin and Hot Air (more here).

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Alien arsonists

Illegal immigrants show their hate for some of the loveliest forests in the US:
U.S. Border Patrol agents seeking to secure the nation's border in some of the country's most pristine national forests are being targeted by illegal aliens, who are using intentionally set fires to burn agents out of observation posts and patrol routes.
The wildfires also have resulted in the destruction of valuable natural and cultural resources in the National Forest System and pose an ongoing threat to visitors, residents and responding firefighters, according to federal law enforcement authorities and others.

In the Coronado National Forest in Arizona, with 60 miles of land along the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. Forest Service firefighters sent in to battle fires or clear wild land fire areas are required to be escorted by armed law enforcement officers.

Armed smugglers of aliens and drugs have walked through the middle of active firefighting operations, the authorities said.
If these vicious interlopers were really serious about wanting to live in America, they wouldn't pull these horrible crimes and endanger innocent people's lives. But that's what they're doing, and another reason why not to allow them in.

Others on the subject include NW Republican, Michelle Malkin, Maggie's Notebook.



An attack at the Erez crossing

As Fatah officials flee, they even go out of their way to shoot at Israeli targets:
( IDF soldiers were fired upon and drawn into a gunfight with terrorists from the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) at the Erez Crossing in northern Gaza on Monday evening. The PRC gunmen also threw several grenades during the encounter. Initially, however, the attack was launched against unarmed Fatah-linked Arabs who were trying to cross out of the Hamas-controlled territory into pre-1967 Israel.

No IDF troops were injured in the incident at Erez, which began close to 7:30 pm, but one person was confirmed dead and another 20 injured. The dead man was a relative of a Fatah terrorist who had been lynched last week by Hamas supporters. The PRC terror organization claimed responsibility for the attack.
So he took his anger out on Israelis for what happened. I see.

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Monday, June 18, 2007 

Suspect in Fort Dix case drew threatening pictures in cell

Thus contradicting any defense he could have that he would "never do anything to harm this country". From Breitbart news (via Michelle Malkin):
Drawings found in the prison cell of a man suspected of plotting to attack Fort Dix suggest that he wants to seek revenge against FBI agents and should remain in custody, prosecutors said Monday.

The drawings—include one with the letters “FBI” and a gun pointing to them—are another reason that Agron Abdullahu should not be released from custody as he awaits trial, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in legal documents filed Monday.

Abdullahu seemed to be thinking about “seeking revenge against the FBI agents who caused him to be imprisoned in the first place,” they wrote. “Releasing Abdullahu now would not only endanger the community at large, but also the agents who investigated this case.”
Throw away the key on him, I say! There are many things you can tell from the drawings of convicts that tell quite a bit about their personality. This can serve as an important lesson for anyone studying criminology...and what the Islamic mindset can be like.

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Meet Michelle's new format

Michelle Malkin has a new look for her blog, with a marvelously big logo, and a new Wordpress format. There's also a javascript in which the blogroll is stored (just like I use a drop-down menu here on which to store all my blogrolls). It's designed by The Blog Studio, who also designed for Hot Air. There's also a small menu on the side for noteworthy items from across the blogosphere. Very impressive.


As many as 2,000 "honor" murders in the UK over the past decade

The Guardian (via Tim Blair) reports that a special task force of police and prosecutors has been formed in Britain to deal with the crisis of Muslim honor murders that's been taking place there for more than a decade (I never refer to these horrific cases as simply "killings". This is MURDER of helpless females we're talking about here, not hoodlums and terrorists gunned down in self defense). It remains to be seen just how convincing this'll be, especially when you consider the exact number of victims:
Home Office statistics suggest that there are 12 such murders each year. However, according to research, the true figure is much higher. At a conference in Southampton last week, police chiefs revealed that they are re-examining 2,000 deaths and murders between 1996 and 2006 to establish whether they involve honour killings. So far, 19 have now been found to be honour killings. A further 20 involved some element of “honour violence”.
Got that? Two-thousand victims, and maybe more.

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Calgary Herald thinks this is perfect for children

The Misfit (via Tim Blair) presents a blurb from the Calgary Herald reprinted in the Montreal Gazette (I think they're both owned by the same company), that sugarcoats and gushes over a book about a girl turning Muslim:
Teenage Amal Decides to Wear Hijab
Shelley Boettcher, Canwest News Service
Being a teenager isn't easy at the best of times, but 16-year-old Amal has decided to do something that will complicate things further: wear a hijab full time.
Her parents and teacher try to talk her out of it - she was born and raised
in Australia - but she's made up her mind, and she doesn't want to back down.
It's not easy. First, there are the nasty girls at her new school. And there's her crush on a non-Muslim boy. Then there's her best friends: one's obsessed with her weight and the other has a bossy family.
This debut novel is funny, smart, serious, and fun. It's for anyone who's ever felt like they didn't belong.
(Calgary Herald)
Does My Head Look Big in This?
By Randa Abdel-Fattah
Scholastic, 368 pages
Correction: it's for anyone who doesn't want to belong. For anyone who wants to look only so unappealing. And this, naturally, is what the PC advocates who now seem to be running Scholastic want to promote for girls and other child readers everywhere. Bleah.

Remind me to tell you someday about one of the writer Donald Sobol's Encyclopedia Brown books, which featured one story segment where the Bugs Meany bully bumped into another kid playing with a glow in the dark yo-yo under a blanket in the street, because he "thought I was an Arab"! And this was way back during the mid-1960s. Yep, even then, it seems that there was some kind of propaganda going on in children's books.


Sunday, June 17, 2007 

Neither side should be helped here

Wizbang talks about the ongoing clash between Hamas and Fatah, and makes a point about how neither side is any better than the other:
First up, Hamas needs to be isolated. Israel and Egypt are already taking steps towards sealing off the Gaza Strip, to keep the violence bottled up. But we should not be eager to back Fatah. For one, their own survival is still in doubt. For another, their own history -- as part of the Palestinian Liberation Organization -- is one marked with drug dealing, terrorism, and death.

I think this is an excellent opportunity to step back and let events unfold on their own for a bit. Let Hamas stew in their own fetid juices in Gaza for a while, and let the West Bank shake itself out for a bit. Right now the terrorists are, for the most part, killing other terrorists, and I don't see any great moral imperative to interrupt them.
We certainly shouldn't take the side of either ghoulish movement. Fatah is just as evil as Hamas, and should be recognized as such. I think what can be done though, is to plow down both sides, which, come to think of it, is what should've been done with Iran and Iraq when they were still clashing during the 1980s.

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Saturday, June 16, 2007 

Tom Tancredo scores big against sanctuary cities

The bold congressman has passed his most successful bill in the past few years (Hat tip: Day In Day Out and Hot Air). It denies emergency funds to sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants.
Tancredo said he thinks his amendment is an indicator that the House would crush the reform plan [i.e., amnesty bill] if it passes in the Senate.

“If I were (Speaker of the House) Nancy Pelosi, I’d be asking if she could pass a vote on amnesty on the House side,” Tancredo said. “If she lost 50 Democrats on this one, and she says she needs 70 Republicans to pass the immigration plan, this is an interesting indicator of things coming down the pike, and that the times, they are a-changing.”
I think this is something for which to consider Tancredo a candidate for president, and there's every possibility that now, he'll be able to go on to submit equally successful law bills.

Others impressed by this development include Utah Rattler, American Pundit, Wake Up America, Right Truth, Freedom of Philadelphia, On the Right, RightWingBob, Michelle Malkin, Hyscience, Bill's Bites, Paxalles, Gribbit's Word, Provide for the Common Defense, Mad Gorilla's Jungle, Ankle Biting Pundits, St. Louis CofCC Blog.

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Don't let British law overrule American law and the search for truth

Rachel Ehrenfeld may be reaching a victory in one of the most important free speech cases in the past three decades. WorldNetDaily has the latest on what Ehrenfeld's been dealing with:
In 2003, she documented and wrote, "Funding Evil: How Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop It," that alleged Saudi Arabian billionaire Khalid Salim A. Bin Mahfouz helped in that pipeline of financing.

Mahfouz formerly was president of the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia and Forbes estimates his personal wealth at more than $3 billion. He says he condemns terrorism and never has assisted Osama Bin Laden or others.

Several of those books were purchased via the Internet by British buyers, and a short time later Mahfouz filed a libel action against Ehrenfeld within Great Britain, where antiquated libel laws put the burden of proof on the defendant.

She didn't respond, and later was ordered by a British High Court judge to pay about $120,000 in a down payment on damages as well as destroy copies of her book, which had been published by Bonus Books.

However, she's battling back, claiming what was described as "libel tourism" is impeding her "ability to research and write freely about international terrorism" and is seeking through the U.S. courts to have that ruling nullified.

She recently moved a step toward victory when the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals asked the New York State Supreme Court for a clarification on a state law that appears to give U.S. courts jurisdiction on the issue.

Judge Wilfred Feinburg, at the Court of Appeals, concluded, "The question is important to authors, publishers and those, like Mahfouz, who are the subject of books and articles. The issue may implicate the First Amendment rights of many New Yorkers, and thus concerns important public policy of the state.

"Because the case may lead to personal jurisdiction over many defendants who successfully pursue a suit abroad against a New York citizen, the question before us is also likely to be repeated," he continued.

Circuit Judges Pierre N. Leval and Jose A. Cabranes joined Judge Feinberg in the ruling.
Read the whole article to learn more. England's ludicrous stone-age laws shouldn't be allowed to prevent other countries from being able to search for the truth in serious subjects. Not to mention that Mahfouz is a coward if he's going to exploit the laws in Britain to have his way instead of going to the US and file suit there.

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Friday, June 15, 2007 

Hamastan is here

After the going-ons of the past few days, this shouldn't be a surprise (H/T: Hot Air). Naturally, the MSM, in this case, the Boston Globe, would rather put the blame on Israel than admit that Fatah is as much a terrorist organization as Hamas is, and even pays worship to Yasir Arafat (Hat tip: Newsbusters and Gateway Pundit). Look at the bizarre playing both ends against middle tactic they deploy here:
The Hamas campaign to eradicate Fatah from Gaza is certainly not the sole cause of Gazans' misery. They long suffered from Israel's suffocating occupation, and then from Ariel Sharon's foolishly unilateral withdrawal in 2005, a move that allowed Hamas to bid for power with the misleading claim that its rockets and suicide bombings had driven Israeli soldiers and settlers out of Gaza. Gazans were victimized as well by the corruption and misrule of Yasser Arafat's Fatah cronies.
They wanted Sharon, a cold-hearted man unto his own nation, to withdraw from Gaza and then they say this? Can't they make up their minds?
The bitterness of the civil war that has forced the United Nations relief agency to suspend all but emergency deliveries of food and medical supplies is clear in the epithets the two sides use for each other. Hamas calls the Fatah fighters "the Jew-American army" while Fatah, alluding to Iran's backing for Hamas, calls the Sunni Muslims of Hamas "the Shi'ites."

What looms ahead is a division between a Fatah-ruled West Bank and a Gaza that is already being called Hamastan. Arafat may be remembered today for his many failings, but the cardinal rule of all his exasperating deceits and maneuvers was to avoid precisely this sundering of the Palestinian national movement. Arafat understood that without Palestinian unity there could be no hope of an independent Palestinian state.
Devil worship incarnate by a newspaper under the same ownership as the New York Times.

Others on the subject include Gina Cobb, Power Line, The Corner, American Pundit, Ace of Spades HQ, Maggie's Farm, Infidels Are Cool, Non Party Politics, Instapundit, The Jawa Report.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007 

Immigration and jihad

Robert Spencer discusses on Hot Air about how the war on terrorism can or should effect immigration policies.

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Is the Hamas taking over the Gaza strip?

It sure does look that way now. I dislike how the AP starts off here:
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Hamas fighters launched a fierce offensive on Gaza City Wednesday, firing mortars and rockets at Fatah's main security bases and the president's compound as the Islamic group appeared close to taking control of the entire Gaza Strip.
This reeks of sensationalism, and only does more to imply that the AP is on the terrorists' side.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 

Peres gets elected for first time in his political career

It's sad, but that's what happened. Though as they say here:
Even Peres's victory, practically his first in public electoral life, was thus tainted by the fact that he did not win outright; his opponents merely withdrew. In accordance with the election rules, Peres was the sole candidate in the second round, and the 120 MKs were asked to vote "for" or "against."
As much as one would like to see this as a good thing that Peres is out of the Knesset, it's still sad, because truly, he didn't deserve it.

Did the Shas party vote for him? Well now, that could really be held against them, also because their spiritual adviser, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, had been visited by members of a group representing victims of terror or soldiers who'd been kidnapped in Lebanon, and this is how he treats them!



Tom Tancredo's new campaign ad

Sen. Tancredo's got an interesting idea for a campaign ad, and what to compare the illegal immigration issue to: the Terminator!

I don't know if Tanc is an avid moviegoer, but maybe there's something to it. And cheesy as James Cameron's movie might look to some people today, it's still pretty clever how they made use of it, and I do hope it helps in the campaign against the illegal invasion.

Via Hot Air.



Legislation to prevent criminals from buying guns at ease

The House today passed a law for better control to keep criminals from buying guns:
WASHINGTON (AP) - The House Wednesday passed what could become the first major federal gun control law in over a decade, spurred by the Virginia Tech campus killings and buttressed by National Rifle Association help.

The bill, which was passed on a voice vote, would improve state reporting to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System to stop gun purchases by people, including criminals and those adjudicated as mentally ill, who are prohibited from possessing firearms.

Seung-Hui Cho, who in April killed 32 students and faculty at Virginia Tech before taking his own life, had been ordered to undergo outpatient mental health treatment and should have been barred from buying two guns he used in the rampage. But the state of Virginia had never forwarded this information to the national background check system.
It's certainly time already to start keeping a proper eye on dangerous characters and to ensure that they cannoy buy the weapons immediately.


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 

Quite a surprise

Ehud Barak wins the Labor primary, even if by a narrow margin.

But then, it is possible that the reason Ami Ayalon lost is because he chose to ally himself with Amir Peretz.


Monday, June 11, 2007 

Some more attention given to the Newsom-Christian murder case in the MSM

Another mainstream newspaper, the Chicago Tribune, has reported on the murder case of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian (Hat tip: Dissecting Leftism), and it looks like, unlike the awful CNN, they on the other hand do a much more respectable job in studying the case.



And the bodies in Gaza continue to pile up

More infighting, and at least eight more casualties, all taking place in a most startling location:
Eight Palestinians were killed and more than 25 were wounded in fierce clashes that erupted between Fatah and Hamas gunmen in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday, Palestinian Authority security sources said.

Most of the fighting took place inside a Palestinian hospital in Bet Hanun, the sources added.

Fighting between Hamas and Gaza rekindled Monday afternoon- shortly after a truce was declared.

The violence began as Hamas gunmen shot and killed Fatah operative Louie el-Massri in a Gaza City skirmish.
A hospital as a battleground! How much more perverted and contemptuous of human life can they get?

Update: twelve dead.


Sunday, June 10, 2007 

CAIR loses support as the Feds finger them for their crimes

Patrick Poole reports in Front Page Magazine on the new development where CAIR now finds themselves cited as unindicted co-conspirators in terrorism funding.
As I reported recently here at FrontPage (“CAIR by the Numbers”), CAIR’s membership and financial support have dropped dramatically based on data obtained from the organization’s IRS Form 990s. In 2005 (the most recent data publicly available), I estimated that CAIR membership had dropped to approximately 2,615 and their financial support cut by 23 percent from just the previous year. These new legal developments, however, may threaten the very existence of the group, as many supporters may grow fearful of being indirectly connected to terrorism and terrorist financing through their association with CAIR.
It turns out that even some Muslims in America are abandoning them as the news becomes more clear. Loss of support, in Congress and other places, would certainly help bring them down, but an actual indictment would also be quite welcome, as they're definitely asking for it. Let's hope then that this will lead to an actual indictment.

Trackposted to: 123Beta, bRight and Early, Jo's Cafe, Third World County.

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Saturday, June 09, 2007 

A petition against the UK academy's boycott of Israel

Here's a petition protesting against the UK academic association's boycott of Israel (via One Jerusalem). And, here's an op-ed from the Times of London that agrees that the boycott is wrong.

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Friday, June 08, 2007 

Syrian attitudes towards Jews and Israel

The JTA was able to send a reporter to Syria recently, where local attitudes towards Jews and Israel seem quite odd. On the one hand, they actually respect the very few Jews left living there, ditto their religion (or so it would seem). On the other hand, their opinions on Israel are more revealingly hostile.
Residents of Aleppo, asked for directions to the Harat al-Yahud, the former Jewish quarter, pointed the way without a hint of hostility. In fact, a sign in Arabic at the entrance to the abandoned Joab Ben Zeruiah synagogue warns against dumping trash "in front of this holy place of worship."

But the attitude changes on Israel.

"Israel is one thing, and Jews are something else,” Mahmoud Sharif, an English-speaking tour guide, told JTA in Aleppo. "We respect the Jewish religion and consider it one of God's religions, but we don't accept Israel."
So he says. The impression one gets from this is that Syrians ostensibly respect Jews/Israelis and their religion, but hate the Israel. But, that all seems to have what to do with taqqiya, and the view that the Jews still left in Syria are dhimmified and cowed enough to not bother about.
Sharif suggested that the Jews left "because Syria wasn't a good country to live in, and because there were more opportunities in other countries."

As to Israel, the 31-year-old college graduate said the problem is not with its people but its government.

“Israel uses heavy weapons against children," said Sharif, who did his army service on Syria's border with the Golan Heights, which Israel captured in the Six-Day War of 1967. "They've forced Palestinians from their land. The Palestinians have a miserable life, and many [refugee] families in Syria still think of their villages. If you ask them about Palestine, they will cry."
Sob stories, sob stories and more sob stories, not to mention how the inteviewee invokes the stereotype of Israelis as child-killing savages.
"People here don't like Israel," Sharif said. "They think about this situation every day. It's our daily problem. They think Israel won't last forever."

Asked what it would take to change people's attitudes, Sharif thought for a moment.

"If Israel gave us back the Golan, it would be a good sign they really want peace," he suggested. "[But] whether the government makes peace with Israel or not, the people will not agree. And if they agree, it's because they'll be forced to agree. They hate Israel."
In that case, I'd see no reason for any decent person to have anything to do with Syria. They are indoctrinated to hatred, and until they're willing to reeducate, they're asking for isolation. This also contradicts the earlier claim that the only problem they have is with the Israeli government. It's not just them that they hate. It's the citizenry of Israel as well.

Trackposted to: 123Beta, bRight and Early, Jo's Cafe, Third World County.

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Shamnesty bill fails

But look at what the AP chose to call this:
WASHINGTON (AP) - A broad immigration bill to legalize millions of people in the U.S. unlawfully suffered a stunning setback in the Senate Thursday, costing President Bush perhaps his best opportunity to win a top domestic priority.
Um, excuse me? This whole shamnesty scandal in and of itself is unlawful, and only sets an example for the same. It certainly deserved the fate it got. And Dubya deserved the defeat.

Others on the subject include Michelle Malkin, Bill's Bites, Don Surber, Pirates' Cove, Ace of Spades HQ, Digger's Realm.


Thursday, June 07, 2007 

Dubya downplays Russia's potential threat

President Bush has been downplaying any threat Russia's Vladimir Putin could be to the rest of Europe. But really, what does he know, and should he be speaking for any concerned in Europe?

In this article, he says:
HEILIGENDAMM, Germany (AP) - President Bush on Wednesday discounted Vladimir Putin's threat to retarget missiles on Europe, saying "Russia's not going to attack Europe."

Bush, in an interview with The Associated Press and other reporters, said no U.S. military response was required after Putin warned that Russia would take steps in response to a U.S. missile shield that would be deployed in Poland and the Czech Republic.

"Russia is not an enemy," Bush said, seeking not to inflame a heated exchange of rhetoric between Washington and Moscow. "There needs to be no military response because we're not at war with Russia. ... Russia is not a threat. Nor is the missile defense we're proposing a threat to Russia."
I don't think that's getting anywhere, or answers anything at all. Putin has returned Russia to communism, having closed a lot of communications in the country or brought them under government control, and may even be guilty of rubbing out dissidents such as Litivenenko, the former Russian official who was poisoned in London a couple months ago.

It's sad to say, but Russia is returning to Communism, with or without the USSR in place. And the US government shouldn't be maintaining relations with them if that's how they're going to act now. Eventually, they will have to sever relations and free trade with Russia for as long as dictators like Putin are going to be running things over there.

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History of the Muslim Brotherhood's long war against the west

Family Security Matters has a four-part exclusive article by Adrian Morgan giving the history of the Muslim Brotherhood and its jihad against the west. Here are the links to the parts below:

Part One.

Part Two.

Part Three.

Part Four.

You'll get to learn how they were founded, who their demonic founder was, how they expanded their murderous activities from Egypt to across the globe, Switzerland being one of their first financial sources, and even about the Brotherhood's sympathies for nazism. Some of the news here, even if it's unsurprising, is still quite chilling and shocking.

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Muhammed is one of the top five boys' names in Britain?

There are many scary questions to be found in this news, the leading one being just what kind of parents are naming their sons after this 7th century demon?
Mohammed will likely become the most popular name for baby boys in Britain by the end of the year, The Times reported on Wednesday, citing government data.

Though official records from the Office for National Statistics list the spelling Mohammed 23rd in its yearly analysis of the top 3,000 names given to children, when all the different spellings of the name are taken into account, it ranks second, only behind Jack, according to The Times.

There are various different spellings of the name because when it is transliterated into English from Arabic, families spell it as closely to their own pronunciations as possible.

In total, 5,991 baby boys were given some version of the name Mohammed, with 6,928 baby boys named Jack.

Thomas was third with 5,921 names, with Joshua and Oliver rounding out the top five.

According to The Times, if the growth of the name Mohammed continues -- it rose by 12 percent last year -- the name will take the top spot by the end of this year.
Does this suggest that it's not just Muslims who're giving their sons names like Muhammed? You can never be sure of anything when it comes to Britain.

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007 

Four in Jordan charged with arms smuggling to Israel

In Jordan, four men have been charged with arms and drug smuggling:
Jordan's military prosecutors charged four men with smuggling heroin and weapons into Israel and the West Bank across the Dead Sea for trade purposes, according to an indictment made available Wednesday.

Two of the suspects, identified as Yousef M., 23, and Ahmed S., 23, are in police custody. Two others, identified as Khaled Rashaydeh and his brother Ali - both Palestinian - are at large and are to be tried in absentia unless they surrender to police within ten days, the document said.

According to the charges, Yousef and Ahmed had agreed to hide the drugs and weapons on the Jordanian shore of the Dead Sea under a tree. The cargo was loaded on a boat which Khaled was to take to the Israeli side.

But an army patrol in the area uncovered the boat with part of the shipment as Khaled fled. The army confiscated the drugs, including more than four kilograms of heroin, several machine guns and ammunition. Yousef was arrested at the scene while the third suspect, Ahmed, was taken into custody in December.

The four men were charged with four counts, including exporting heroin for trade purposes and exporting weapons and ammunition without legal authorization, the court document said.
I'm glad Jordan's authorities are showing responsibility here, though it doesn't prove they're 100 percent reliable.

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Neo-nazi "pranksters" in NJ commit bizarre offense

Seldom have I ever read news as disgusting as this:
A four-foot swastika formed by 17 neatly arranged volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica was found in the parking lot of Bnai Keshet, the Reconstructionist synagogue in Montclair. [...]

Fred Glicksman, the synagogue's administrator, surmised that the incident occurred after 11 o'clock Sunday night, when zoning laws require that the synagogue turn off the lights that illuminate the parking lot.
That could explain how the diablos were able to go about doing the filthy deed without being noticed at ease. I think something's going to have to be done about these stupid "zoning laws", which may hinder the ability to spot criminals at work at ease.

This incident is truly disgusting.

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Shas shouldn't be supporting Peres as a presidential candidate

Of course nothing is clear, and you don't usually know what the result will be until the end, but with the presidential election for Israel coming up in about a week, there are plenty of sources that are pressuring the Shas party and its spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef not to support Shimon Peres for president (and for those not sure, in Israel the president is chosen by the Knesset), with good reason:
( The [12] Shas MKs, who are currently slated to vote for Shimon Peres, are likely to tip the scales in favor of Peres in next week's Presidential race. Heavy pressure is being brought to bear from various directions on Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef to change his mind and enable his party MKs to vote according to their own preference - and those of their voters.

At the same time, other groups, fearing that Peres will be elected President of Israel by the Knesset next week, are putting pressure on Rabbi Yosef to withdraw his support for Peres. Rabbi Yosef has all but instructed the [12] Shas MKs to vote for Peres next Wednesday. Shas chairman Minister Eli Yishai has already informed Peres of the decision.
You can read more at the link. With the dastardly deeds Peres committed in his career, that's just why he's not worthy of presidency, and neither Shas nor any other Knesset member with common sense should have to vote for him.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007 

Fourth suspect in JFK plot arrested in Trinidad

In the previous post I'd done on this, I accidentally said that four of the suspects in the plot to bomb JFK's fuel line were arrested, when it was actually 3 out of 4. Now, the fourth suspect has been caught in Trinidad-Tobago, as well as two more suspects:
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad (AP) - A fourth suspect in an alleged plot to attack New York's John F. Kennedy Airport surrendered Tuesday in Trinidad as some U.S. authorities raised concerns that deep social inequality in the Caribbean could make the islands a fertile recruiting ground for radical Islam.
On that, I'd like to say that it's not that at all; it's allowing the Religion of Peace to run loose on the isle that could make it a breeding ground for extremism.
Abdel Nur, a Guyanese national accused of seeking support for the alleged plot from the leader of a radical Muslim group in Trinidad, smiled as he turned himself in at a police station outside the capital Port-of-Spain.

The details emerging about Nur and the other suspected plotters have given rise to concerns plot that bitter social divides in the Caribbean, where many Muslims live in shacks just blocks from gleaming skyscrapers, could foster anti-American sentiment and Islamic extremism.

The 57-year-old Nur worked odd jobs at a currency exchange house and lived in a poor neighborhood back in Guyana.

"It is a conspiracy and a set up," he told reporters with a smile as he entered a courthouse later Tuesday.
Blah blah blah. Keep going with the balderdash, Nur.
Nur and three others are alleged to have been planning to blow up fuel pipelines that feed the New York airport. Two of the other suspects are also in custody in Trinidad, following their arrests there on Friday. [...]

Trinidad, which is about 6 percent Muslim, is home to Jamaat al Muslimeen, a radical group that staged the only Islamic revolt in the Western Hemisphere, a deadly 1990 coup attempt sparked by still unresolved land claims.
I think it's time to make the Muslimeen scum walk the plank. Trinidad-Tobago would be doing its residents a favor by getting them off the island.

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Monday, June 04, 2007 

Islamic groups in US named in Hamas funding case

An important development in the investigation of Hamas funders has come to light. And yep, you guessed it, CAIR is among those cited in the report:
Federal prosecutors have named three prominent Islamic organizations in America as participants in an alleged criminal conspiracy to support a Palestinian Arab terrorist group, Hamas.

Prosecutors applied the label of "unindicted co-conspirator" to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America, and the North American Islamic Trust in connection with a trial planned in Texas next month for five officials of a defunct charity, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.

While the foundation was charged in the case, which was filed in 2004, none of the other groups was. However, the co-conspirator designation could be a blow to the credibility of the national Islamic organizations, which often work hand-in-hand with government officials engaged in outreach to the Muslim community.

A court filing by the government last week listed the three prominent groups among about 300 individuals or entities named as co-conspirators. The document gave scant details, but prosecutors described CAIR as a present or past member of "the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee and/or its organizations." The government listed the Islamic Society of North America and the North American Islamic Trust as "entities who are and/or were members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood."


The inclusion of the Islamic groups on the list of alleged conspirators could give ammunition to critics of the organizations. CAIR, in particular, has faced persistent claims that it is soft on terrorism. Critics note that several former CAIR officials have been convicted or deported after being charged with fraud, embargo violations, or aiding terrorist training. Spokesmen for the group have also raised eyebrows for offering generic denunciations of terrorism but refusing to condemn by name specific Islamic terrorist groups such as Hamas or Hezbollah.
Since CAIR is probably the worst of these groups, that's why it's a good thing that they've been fingered as one of the Hamas' collaborators. It's time to shut them down and to prosecute them, and it's to be hoped that this'll lead to a major trial in which they're told to stand before the court.

See also at California Conservative.

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Sunday, June 03, 2007 

Britain's college boycott

I wish I could've addressed this sooner, but here's what I have to say for now: not that I was so interested in doing business with such a snide bunch to begin with! And why should Israel's colleges have to spend any time with them if they're going to be that way?

And on that note, let me point to the following article on YnetNews, which says that the boycott is actually a blessing in disguise. Yes, indeed it is. Because if that's how they're going to go about their business and be enemies with Israel, why should we have to feel bothered? Any "friend" who would do such a thing is not a friend at all, and no relations with them need be maintained.

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Shocking news about persecuted Christians in Vietnam

Here's a newsletter I got from SliwaNews that tells some alarming news about how the Degar People in Vietnam are being persecuted:

IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 28 May 2007 Spartanburg, SC, USA

BACKGROUND: The indigenous Degar Peoples (known under the French colonial term "Montagnard") have suffered decades of persecution by the Vietnamese communist government, namely; confiscation of ancestral lands, Christian religious repression, torture, killings and imprisonment. To date over 350 Degar prisoners remain in prison for standing up for human rights, for spreading Christianity or for fleeing to Cambodia. These prisoners suffer abuses and are subjected to torture, including electric shock treatment, as well as being withheld food and medical care. Many Degar prisoners have been specifically beaten on their bodies repeatedly in order to deliberately cause them to die slow deaths from internal injuries. One Degar man named Y-Ngo Adrong was tortured to death on 13 July 2006 - of which the US Department described as "a credible report of extrajudicial killing by security forces" (See: 6 March 2007 US State Department's Report on Vietnam). In the following cases the prisoners died after severe torture and never recovered from the torture they received in prison.

Villagers stated he was marked for death by security forces who tortured harassed and re-arrested a Degar Christian prisoner until he died of injuries.

1. RAHLAN LUA, a Degar Montagnard Christian (age 43) from the village of Bon Toat, commune of Ia Siem, district of Krong Pa in Gialai province died on April 10, 2007 from the effects of torture and maltreatment he received in prison. He was brutally beaten many times whilst in custody and police had targeted him for re-arrest. He had long suffered internal injuries from torture and his village state he was marked for death by security police. His story is as follows: Rahlan Lua was first arrested, tortured and then sent to Ha Nam prison on December 18, 2001 because of his involvement with the peaceful demonstration calling for religious freedom and land rights in February of 2001. He was released on July 15, 2005 but re-arrested, tortured again and sent to the prison facility in the province of Tuy Hoa on November 5, 2005. His health started to deteriorate and he was later released on February 18, 2007 but died on April 10, 2007. His village reports that the Vietnamese security police arrested and tortured him the second time to make sure that he would certainly die when he gets home. The second time of release he died indeed and was buried on April 12, 2007.

Police release torture victim days before his death fearing he would die in prison: Most of his ribs were broken and his body was battered:

2. Y-KUO NIE a Degar Montagnard Christian (age 53) from the village of Buon Cu Mil, commune of Ea Trun, district of Krong Bong in the province of Daklak. He died at around 8 am on March 18, 2007 after he was released from prison. His story is as follows: Y-Kuo Nie was first arrested, tortured and sent to prison facility in Ha Nam province on February 16, 2001 for his involvement with peaceful demonstration calling for religious freedom and land rights in February 2001. Due to the severity and repeated torture he endured the Vietnamese security police knew he was going to die, so, the police called his wife to go pick up her husband from Ha Nam prison. However, Y-Kuo's wife, H'Long Buonya, was so poor and could not afford to travel to Han Nam even though she so wanted to. Eventually the Vietnamese security police brought her husband home to his village on March 17, 2007.

When Y-Kuo Nie was reunited with his family on March 17, 2007 his health was extremely bad and he told his wife and children he had been tortured many times in prison. He requested a Christian preacher to pray with him before he dies. After his preacher had prayed for him that day, the next morning of March 18, 2007, at around 8 o'clock he died. Security police kept a close watch on the funeral but before Y-Kuo Nie's corpse was placed in the coffin his wife cleaned his body and dressed him in new clothes. She then discovered that most of her husband's ribs were broken and his body covered in bruises. Y-Kuo Nie was buried on March 21, 2007 and appears to have died from prolonged abuse and internal injuries.

On behalf of the families and relatives of Degar prisoners, MFI humbly makes this appeal and calls on the international community, United Nations, European Union and especially the government of the United States of America to use its influence:

- To urgently get international medical teams and/or the Red Cross to visit Degar Montagnard prisoners inside Vietnam's prisons and provide medical care to prisoners recently released from prison.

- To urgently demand Vietnam release all 350 Degar prisoners as identified in the Human Rights Watch report of 14 June 2006. Site link

- To pursue a permanent humanitarian presence in the Central Highlands by US, UN and international NGOs in order to address the underlying causes of the persecution of the indigenous Degar peoples.

- To recommend the US State Department reconsider placing Vietnam back on the 'Country of Particular Concern' (CPC) watch list of nations which are the most egregious violators of rights


Dedicated to the preservation of the Indigenous People of the Central Vietnam

P.O. BOX 171114 - SPARTANBURG, SC 29301-0038 USA
Fax: (864) 595-1940 - Phone: (864) 576-0698

Web site:
This is most alarming news. Let everyone know what this Christian community in Vietnam is suffering from!

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