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Thursday, November 02, 2017 

Auerbach compares army recruitment to Holocaust

The self-hating Judaist was recorded making some offensive comparisons of military recruitment to the Holocaust, which I'm sure he'd never have done anything to stop during WW2:
In the recording of the meeting, which was obtained by Channel 2 News, Auerbach is heard saying that those who participate in the protests are “representing all of Israel, from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the rest of the generations.” Auerbach then likens the demand to appear at the IDF recruitment facility to the Holocaust, saying that “throughout all of the time in the diaspora, there were difficult attempts and times and troubles that, God forbid, [I] don’t want to remember.”

“What has happened has already been enough,” he continued. “There was a Holocaust…He [God] will stop our troubles but we need to remain strong [until then].”
He is only encouraging weakness, and I think he knows he's not representing even those early figures either.  He's also violating what Moses told some Israelites reluctant to battle, asking, "would you rather sit here while your brothers go to war?" His revolting statements aren't just a bad influence, they're offensive to many victims of antisemitism, which men like him made no effort to prevent. And that's why, IMHO, he's a self-hater. I wouldn't be shocked if he considered Islamism a better role model.

Anyway, there's going to be a counter-protest against his movement later in the month:
A liberal group in Jerusalem is planning to hold a ‘secular day of rage’ on November 17, as a counterprotest to the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) day of rage held last month in the capital.

“Free Jerusalem,” which has been holding a weekly anti-religious coercion outside the Haredi neighborhood of Mea She’arim, announced on Thursday its intention to hold the event, and called on all pluralist sectors in Israel to voice their objection to the Haredi protests.

“The entire State of Israel witnessed in recent weeks protests of extremist factions from the ultra-Orthodox public, in which they blocked main roads and railways, and prevented traffic movement in central intersections – which left millions of citizens paralyzed for hours,” a statement on the Free Jerusalem Facebook page reads.

“The secular, democratic and liberal public remained silent – but we live in a state of law, and it is impossible to let these extremist to dictate us how to live... It is time to stop the madness and voice our objection.”
If the Haredi cult of Auerbach committed such a wrong, then they cannot object to this in return.

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