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Wednesday, February 07, 2018 

Another rabbi was caught making sexist remarks to students

How many of these bizarre cowards are out there, determined to hurt Israel as I'm sure they are? I'm not sure if this one's Haredi, but he does come close, and is probably one of the "Hardal" bunch:
A rabbi who teaches at a pre-military religious academy in the West Bank told future IDF recruits last year that women were “weak-minded” and possessed a reduced capacity for spirituality.

In footage broadcast by Hadashot news on Tuesday, Rabbi Yosef Kelner was seen disparaging women with careers as “gorillas” to yeshiva students at the West Bank settlement of Eli.
I think what's particularly angering is that a man living in Judea/Samaria is the one to undermine Israel, and after all the horrors the Labor party led to a quarter century ago! He could be a plant, but in any case, what matters is that he was being awfully filthy to slur ladies with such a vulgar crack.
“Women have a limited capacity for spirituality. They can reach a medium level of spirituality,” Kelner said in a class on marriage and family that was filmed last summer.

“There’s no such thing as spiritual women. It’s just not true,” he said. “It’s not a failure on women’s part, it’s just that nobody is expecting them to reach certain heights spiritually.”

“They are weak-minded. They just babble, that’s it. Women’s babble,” Kelner told students.

Women, he said, were naturally intuitive, but modern culture had “turned them into nothing.
Oh, this is so dumb! And no doubt, preached before an all-male class, because chances are that any women present would've stomped out in revulsion at his tunnelvisioned cracks. That can explain why it took a while till this was revealed. If the fairer sex is intuitive, why would he compare them to simians? And it's not a matter of expectations when screwballs like him don't want them to reach spiritual heights.
He went on to assert that women were less intelligent than men, and pointed to the fact that there were more male Nobel laureates than female ones.

“Just because they send them en masse to universities they’re suddenly all great geniuses? No!”

He added: “Yes, there are some CEOs here and there, ‘girlillas.'”
I think this "rabbi" is less intelligent than the women he seeks to insult. Having a career in itself is not wrong. It's just ideologies in themselves that are a problem. There's plenty of men going to universities who don't exactly turn into geniuses overnight either. Including, obviously, the rabbi himself. Now here's where it becomes even more mind-boggling:
Two years ago, Kelner came under fire for making homophobic remarks to his students. In a 2016 lecture, Kelner referred to gay people as “miserable” and “sick and perverted.”
And he trashed any chance of defending the above position properly by making degrading remarks about women. If he really believed in what he said about homosexuality, he'd never have made such revolting cracks about ladies. I wouldn't be shocked if he believed men shouldn't listen to women sing in any capacity either, or shake hands because sex is supposedly a bad thing. Totally stupefying how they play both sides of the same coin.

His disgusting attitude drew condemnation from the education minister:
In response, Bennett told Israeli radio he doesn't agree with either the content or the way the comments were made. "This is not what religious Zionism believes, and not what Judaism believes. All my life experience tells me exactly the opposite,” he said.

The row between Bennett and Rabbi Yosef Kelner, who has later apologized, is the latest chapter in a war of words between prominent conservative Israeli rabbis and right-wing politicians such as Defense Minister Liberman and Bennett.

Both Ministers have slammed calls from prominent Israeli rabbis not to join the Army because of its gender equality policies, such as including women in combat units.

“I strongly condemn blatant interference by outside sources in army matters, including by rabbis, respected as they may be,” Liberman said. “This severely damages national security and national endurance,” he added.
Which brings us again to the point that has to be made, that these rabbis are obviously trying to endanger Israel. All for the sake of some selfish notion the army was always an exclusively male domain, and most likely they're trying to influence the very homosexuality they decidedly don't oppose. Seriously, that's the vibe they're sending, and I can't see much reason to assume it's not their intention.

The rabbi may have apologized, but if he ran "lessons" like these with all-male army students, it just further confirms he does not recognize women as human in any way. Such philosophy is exactly what damages society.

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