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Tuesday, December 06, 2022 

Iranian activists dismiss claims of morality police disbandment

As is noted here, Iranians outraged by the laws requiring women to wear burkas have seen through what was obviously taqqiya in the first place:
Campaigners backing Iran’s protest movement on Monday dismissed a claim that the Islamic Republic is disbanding its notorious morality police, insisting there was no change to its restrictive dress rules for women.

There were also calls on social media for a three-day strike, more than two months into the wave of civil unrest sparked by the death of Kurdish-Iranian woman Mahsa Amini, 22, after her arrest by the morality police in Tehran.

Amini was accused of flouting Iran’s strict dress code demanding women wear modest clothing and the hijab headscarf, and her death sparked protests that have spiraled into the biggest challenge to the regime since the 1979 Islamic revolution.

Iran’s Prosecutor General Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, in a surprise move over the weekend, was quoted as saying that the morality police units –- known as gasht-e ershad (guidance patrol) — had been closed down.

But activists were skeptical about his comments, which appeared to be an impromptu response to a question at a conference rather than a clearly signposted announcement on the morality police, which is run by the Interior Ministry.

Moreover, they said, their abolition would mark no change to Iran’s headscarf policy — a key ideological pillar for its clerical leadership — but rather a switch in tactics on enforcing it.

Scrapping the units would be “probably too little too late” for the protesters who now demand outright regime change, Roya Boroumand, co-founder of the US-based Abdorrahman Boroumand Center rights group, told AFP.

“Unless they remove all legal restrictions on women’s dress and the laws controlling citizens’ private lives, this is just a PR move,” she said, adding that “nothing prevents other law enforcement” bodies from policing “the discriminatory laws.”
This is absolutely correct. The announcement first made was evasive and deceptive. Or, in the Arabic language, taqqiya. The opposition to Iran's dictatorship cannot cease yet. The battle to ensure women's freedom must go on.

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