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Friday, October 13, 2023 

Leftist Jews have responsibility to shoulder for the Hamas disaster

According to Andrea Widberg, leftist Jews have reaped what they sowed by embracing the whole Arab/Islamic-state-of-Palestine propaganda angle:
“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:7.

If it weren’t so unutterably tragic, it would be amusing to watch leftist Jews shout their outrage at fellow leftists who are siding with Hamas. These leftist Jews may have been pro-Israel and afraid of a second Holocaust, but their support for leftist policies led to the slaughter that horrifies them now.

What happened in Israel was not war. It was, instead, a grotesque violation of modern norms driven by people who have, for 1,500 years, proudly and unabashedly stated both their goal and their means: The goal is world domination, and the means are torturing and slaughtering men and boys, raping women and girls, enslaving those women and girls they don’t murder, and killing babies in their cradles.

This isn’t about territorial disputes or someone else’s colonialism. This is written into their most holy text, which has not undergone a single revision since their prophet first spoke his words. They did this in the 7th century, they did it two decades ago on September 11, they did it a decade ago to the Yazidi, they did it last weekend to the Israelis, and they’re chomping at the bit to do it to you.

But speaking of colonialism, since the Soviets embraced the “Palestinian” cause in the 1960s, for the left, Islamic jihad has been converted into “anti-colonialism.” Despite the fact that anyone with a scintilla of knowledge knows that, in Israel, it’s the Arabs who are the colonialists, there have been enough useless idiots in American institutions to ignore this fact and paint the Jews as the interlopers and the invading Arabs as the pathetic victims of Western colonialism. [...]

Of course, leftism isn’t just about Israel. It’s about everything, and there are few more enthusiastic leftists than Jews. For those who are not Jewish, it’s not always easy to understand that these leftists are “Jews In Name Only.” They love throwing around Yiddish words and boasting about fasting on Yom Kippur, but their values are informed by the Democrat party platform and the academic faculty lounge, not by the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), the Mishnah (the first rabbinical interpretation of the Torah), or the Talmud (the primary rabbinical interpretation of the Torah).

These leftist Jews fought against the Iraq War (a misbegotten war but one that, had it been carried to a full conclusion, might have had a better outcome), embraced the antisemitic Barack Obama, suffered from violent Trump Derangement Syndrome, headed academia’s institutions and sat in its faculty lounges, went cuckoo for the LGBTQ+ agenda, and organized groups such as “Jews for Justice for Palestinians.” Contrary to the myth of Jews as a smart people, these are stupid Jews.
Many of these leftists also likely couldn't have cared less about betrayals of Israel by the USA government, as Laura Hollis discusses. In any event, the argument's been made that these are, above all, ignoramuses who've sold out to repellent ideologies, no matter how horribly it comes back and bites in rear in the end.

Besides the above examples, there's also some Jewish communists in the USA who've supported anti-Israel positions and Hamas, and tragically may never reevaluate:
While most decent people responded with horror to the Hamas atrocities, the fringes responded with enthusiasm or defenses of the atrocities. The trouble though is that the Left stopped being a fringe and replaced liberalism as the driving ideological force of the Democratic Party. And the Hard Left became the driving force of the Left.

And the Hard Left supports Hamas. That’s uncomfortable for liberals and even leftists to deal with, but now even anti-Israel leftists are having trouble coping with the fact that their movement supports the rape and murder of Jews.

Now by anti-Israel Left, I don’t mean merely leftists that are critical of Israel. I mean leftists who built their careers on hating Israel and justifying the terrorists. Now that Hamas invaded a music festival, kidnapped, killed and raped women, and kidnapped an elderly “peace activist”, and massacred people like them on kibbutzim, they’re shocked that their ideological allies and friends are good with it.
But they'll never abandon leftism? If not, that's one of the saddest parts of this whole affair.

Update: and who knows if they care what Muslims in Britain are doing, tearing down posters showing Israelis who'd been murdered/kidnapped/raped by Hamas? Or that taxpayer dollars were sent to the terrorist organization?

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