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Thursday, August 29, 2024 

Perceptions of where antisemitism stems from needs to change in order to combat it

A manager for CRIF acknowledges why our perceptions of where and how antisemitism comes about has to change, if we're to combat Islamic antisemitism properly:
After the La Grande-Motte synagogue terrorist attack that left a police officer injured, a change in perception was needed for the broader French public to understand and confront the sources of antisemitism in the Republic, Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF) president Yonathan Arfi told The Jerusalem Post in a Wednesday interview.

A viral photograph of the armed arsonist who set fire to the Beth Yaacov synagogue while garbed in a keffiyeh and Palestinian flag represented “an image of the new antisemitism threatening the regular life of French Jews,” said Arfi.

The image that the French public had in its mind when it thought of antisemitism and antisemitic attacks was of historical groups like Nazis, but Arfi called for his fellow citizens to update their perception of the sources of anti-Jewish animus to consider the malicious fonts of Israel-hatred, radical Islamism, and social media conspiracy theories. Without a change in state of mind, it would be difficult to tackle antisemitism.

“We all live with the idea that some people consider Jews to be legitimate targets for a battle happening 4,000 kilometers away,”
said Arfi.

Part of the public’s antiquated understanding of antisemitism was that the most malicious forms of antisemitism was state-sanctioned – but in France, the new antisemitism persisted despite the opposition of the state. Arfi explained that the Republic and its officials understood the source of antisemitism and its source in the hatred of Israel. Jews were even being targeted in rhetoric for loyalty and close relationships with the government.

At a rally against antisemitism on Tuesday, Arfi was joined by officials from every level of government – including Herault Prefect Francois-Xavier Launch, Montpellier Mayor Michael Delafosse, and La Grande-Motte Mayor Stephan Rossignoi.

While Jewish French citizens enjoyed the protection and support of the Republic and even the backing of the majority of their fellow citizens, it was a silent majority overshadowed by the voice of a loud and sometimes even violent minority.

“We have the feeling in France that a minority of French society, mainly made up of pro-Palestinians, are using the Gaza cause to attack Jews in France,”
said Arfi.

Arfi's statement

After the attack in which the suspect fired on the police officer and caused the explosion of a car in front of the synagogue, French Jews were concerned, worried, and vigilant – but not afraid – according to Arfi. He and many others understood this incident to be part of a long-term phenomenon that needed to be addressed.

Without the involvement of the majority, as long as antisemitism remained just a problem of the Jews, the new malicious font of antisemitism in France would continue to spew forth attacks to dirty the Republic’s streets

“Our hope is that one day the French society will understand that what is a threat to Jews is a threat to liberal western democracies.”
Well the question is whether even the Jewish community's willing to show the courage it takes to identify the threat, and acknowledge it's Muslims carrying it out in modern times. Even now, there's only so many Jewish movements who cower at clearly stating this fact, and that's only making things worse, and making the Jewish movements look as incompetant as anybody else.

And speaking of identification, that's not exactly how authorities are dealing with the culprit now that he's been arrested:
A 33-year-old man is facing terrorism charges for an arson attack on a French synagogue this past weekend, The Associated Press reported on Wednesday.

The suspect claimed the attack was intended to defend Palestinian Arabs and influence Israeli policy, prosecutors said.

The suspect set multiple fires around the Beth Yaacov synagogue in La Grande Motte this past Saturday, injuring a police officer in the process.

Identified only by his initials, EHK
, the suspect fled the scene but was later apprehended. During his arrest, he sustained injuries to his thorax, arm, and face, France's national counterterrorism prosecutor's office said.

EHK, an Algerian national with French residency, appeared before a judge on Wednesday, according to AP. Prosecutors are pursuing preliminary terrorism charges against him, including attempted murder, arson motivated by race or religion, and armed violence against police.

Two other individuals suspected of aiding him are also facing possible charges.
Though they acknowledge the ogre comes from the background of a country where Islam is dominant, they don't acknowledge whether he's a member of the Religion of Peace. Sometimes, it's not enough to just give an idea whether this is so. Sometimes, it's better to clearly state if he is of such a religious background. By continuing this refusal, how can the war against Islamic terrorism be won? And will "EHK" have his residency permit revoked over this?

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