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Friday, January 17, 2025 

Ben Shapiro's observation on the hostage deal

Ben Shapiro was interviewed by Israel National News about the deal to release the hostages held by the Hamas terrorist organization:
Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro spoke to Arutz Sheva - Israel National News today (Wednesday) about the hostage and ceasefire deal reached between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization, the role of President-elect Donald Trump in securing the deal, and 'We Will Rise' - the new musical he created together with his father.

"I think the fact is that the Trump Administration wants the hostages out, and I also think that they want a headline that is connected to the hostages being released," Shapiro said. "I think whether the deal ends up being a net benefit for Israel and for the United States or whether it ends up being a net detriment is going to be largely determined by whether it's seen as a ceasefire/end of war deal or whether it's seen as a hostage release deal. And it seems to me far-fetched to believe that the Trump Administration would cram down a full-scale ceasefire deal that allowed Hamas to remain in place given the fact that literally every Cabinet nominee who's spoken on this has said precisely the reverse."

He noted that yesterday, Pete Hegseth, Trump's nominee for Defense Secretary, said that he supports Israel "in killing literally every member of Hamas." Likewise, Trump's pick for National Security Adviser, Mike Waltz, has said that Hamas will not remain in power in Gaza.

"So any sort of deal that ends with Hamas in control, either titular or effectual, of the Gaza Strip, seems to be a non-starter. So what that actually means is that is probably best to be seen, if you going to try and game it out, as a way of guaranteeing that many of the hostages get out - hopefully as many as possible - and then a recognition that Israel is going to have to go back in and mop up the job,"
he said.
Well I hope he's right, and no matter who's in charge of USA government going forward, that can't determine Israel's policies. There's a reason why Israel is now developing more weapons domestically, as we can't rely solely on foreign sources to do this. For now, what we must hope is that the hostages are freed in the end.

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