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Wednesday, September 28, 2005 

Cindy thinks she's queen, and enjoys her arm-throne ride

Saint Cindy Sheehan's been arrested for lawbreaking at the moonbat protest in the District of Columbia, and it sure looks like she enjoyed it too. She got a free ride with two policemen, and all for the sake of publicity stunting. And she's pretty much gotten even people on the left fed up with her antics too. Let's take a look at some of the best coverage of the boring protest in DC:

Michelle Malkin
The Indepundit
Mudville Gazette
John in Carolina
Finding a Balance
Ankle Biting Pundits
The Anchoress
Mary Katherine Ham
Lifelike Pundits
California Conservative
Iowa Voice
Donkey Stomp
Sister Toldjah
The Jawa Report
Nascar Dads
Reverse Vampyr
Doc Rampage
Sera and Ez
Neal Boortz
Brain Shavings
Conservative Thinking
Conservative Outpost
A Certain Slant of Light
Darleen's Place
Tommy's Spot
Jonathan and Wanda Rantings
Moonbat Central: One, two

We also get to learn a lot about the moonbat methods, including how these "peaceful" demonstrators enjoy vandalism, whether by spray-painting or window breaking. Isn't photoblogging just wonderful?

While we're on the subject, Beth at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy got a letter from a US Marine in Iraq who provides some very good food for thought. And, as she says following the letter:
Did you get that? Peace rallies serve THE INSURGENTS. Protesting the war is NOT “supporting the troops,” and no one with a shred of common sense believes it does.
Quite correct. So if Saint Cindy thinks that she's helping anyone, then I think the best thing that can be said to her is: forget it, Mrs. Sheehan. You're not doing anyone a favor, not even yourself. Now please kindly head back home and let us be able to maintain law and order properly. The same goes for all those other moonbats who aren't helping either.

The US Marine officer's letter also provides some good food for thought about the whole notion surrounding polls: if this were the mid-90s, one could probably worry, but today, that's not how Benjamin Netanyahu leads either, rather, it's by sticking to his work in the economy that he succeeded in so well that is.


why don't people stop calling these terrorist mass murderers in Iraq "insurgents." After all, most of the people that they kill are Iraqis, fellow Arabs [and some Kurds]. How are they fighting against occupation?

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