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Wednesday, October 18, 2006 

Another reason to dissolve the EU

They now want to stifle videobloggers, as Michelle Malkin dicovers. Could anyone in Europe please take a stand and make clear to their reps that we don't want the EU anymore? Amazingly enough, Britain is trying to stop their sinister efforts. Well, let's hope. As Michelle says about the reports on what the EU wants:
The hate-speech strictures ought to be of particular concern to bloggers who are unapologetically critical of jihad. But this is a regulatory threat that crosses partisan, ideological, and geographic lines. If European videobloggers of all stripes are forced to apply for licenses, it won't be long until those of us across the pond face those same ridiculous requirements.
Good point. So, here's the contact info for the EU:

Council of the European Union
Rue de la Loi, 175 B-1048 Bruxelles
Telephone (32-2) 281 61 11
Fax (32-2) 281 69 99

Plus this link.

Michelle also talks about this now at Hot Air, as does Bryan Preston. As I said, this is another perfect reason for why the EU, like the UN, should be dissolved, and one of the best ways for any European country with sense to protest is by pulling out.

Others on the subject include Plus Ultra (plus, another one), With Issue, Instapundit, Small Town Veteran, Bizzyblog, American Pundit, Snoop Infosystems, It's a Pundit, Coalition of the Swilling.

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