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Monday, November 27, 2006 

Malkin talks about the imams misbehaving on the plane

Hot Air's got a recording of Michelle Malkin's discussion on O'Reilly about those misbehaving, anti-American imams who deliberately provoked the crowd on a plane in Minneapolis.

Speaking of which, the imams just recently staged a protest at Reagan airport in Washington as well (via Jammie Wearing Fool), continuing on with their sob-story routine with a couple of other apologists and dhimmis accompanying them as well.

Update: and here's Michelle's Vent to go with it. Age of Hooper also recorded their sob-story continuation at the Reagan Airport. Note that rabbi named Arthur Waskow, who appears to be very friendly with Cindy Sheehan. They certainly know whom to turn to for backing up their sob-story routine, don't they?

Michelle also points to Audrey Hudson's study of how the imams sought to terrorize the airliner. Plus, Power Line found some important info from Soliah.Com about the extended seatbelts the imams were using:
I believe the seat belt extensions create a serious airline security threat. This is one heck of a weapon that has been overlooked. Basically the "heavy" head of this is very heavy with both the latch and the belt adjuster lock thing. In a weapon sense it's a lot like a padlock on a chain or in prison a canned item in a sock. A solid blow to the head can disable and the strap can be used to choke or restrain. I was astounded that these were [allowed for use as] carry on items.
When you look more closely at what the imams were up to there, it becomes very disturbing.


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