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Sunday, December 24, 2006 

The Chunnel has become the next terror target

I once wondered if the al Qaeda would plot to target the Chunnel. Turns out my questions were right. From the UK Observer (via Jihad Watch):
The Channel tunnel has been targeted by a group of Islamic militant terrorists aiming to cause maximum carnage during the holiday season, according to French and American secret services.

The plan, which the French DGSE foreign intelligence service became aware of earlier this year, is revealed in a secret report to the French government on threat levels. The report, dated December 19, indicates that the tip-off came from the American CIA. British and French intelligence agencies have run a series of checks of the security system protecting the 31-mile tunnel but the threat level, the DGSE warns, remains high. British security services remain on high alert throughout the holiday period.

According to the French sources, the plan was put together in Pakistan and is being directed from there. The plotters are believed to be Western Europeans, possibly Britons of Pakistani descent. The DGSE say that levels of 'chatter', the constant communication that takes place between militants, has not been so high since 2001. Last week Sir Ian Blair, the head of the Metropolitan Police, described 'the threat of another terrorist attempt' as 'ever present' adding that 'Christmas is a period when that might happen'.
I wonder if the British authorities ever considered that, because of the anti-western propaganda their country's media were spewing out all these years, that they might have led to this danger. It's to be hoped that the threat can be prevented.

The French authorities are certainly way ahead of them, and Nicholas Sarkozy deserves credit for his revoking the security passes of Muslims working in the Roissy airport.

Others on the subject include Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, Israelated, Bill's Bites, Alarming News, Wake Up America, The Political Pitt Bull, Voice of the Shire, Blogs of War, Gates of Vienna, Subway Canaries.


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