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Wednesday, May 30, 2007 

The horror story the MSM still won't tell us about

A subject still very worthy of discussion is the savage murder of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian, a white couple who were murdered by a black gang in Knoxville, Tennessee. Michelle Malkin did a podcast about it a few weeks ago (read also here for interviews with the victims' families), a most horrific case that the MSM has been largely silent about, apparently because the perpetrators of the cannibalistic crime were black.

It's definitely atrocious that the MSM will otherwise turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to a crime based on racial background. This of course is the very same MSM that at the same time will not even stand up for the blacks in Sudan who've been murdered and enslaved by Islamic supremacists, including the janjaweed terrorist militias. Something tells me that if a gang of [white?] Muslims in America had pulled a crime like this against a black couple, that the MSM would turn in the favor of the Muslims, which would just show how truly tilted towards evil the MSM is.

One of the reasons why rapes and murders like what the black gang who murdered Newsom and Christian committed need to be discussed is because the community needs to know too, so that they can make efforts to see to it that their brethren will learn and understand why racism is wrong no matter what race or nationality you're part of.

What the gang who murdered the innocent couple did is truly repulsive, and for that, they should be fed to the crows.

La Shawn Barber made an interesting point about what it seems to take in order for a crime like this to actually be labeled one:
In order for “hate crime” charges to be added to the Christian-Newsom case, somebody had to have used a racial slur, and a witness would have to come forward. In my opinion, it doesn’t matter who said what in the Christian-Newsom case or any other. Hate crime laws are redundant, not to mention nonsensical.
Maybe so. In all due fairness, one does not have to use racial slurs to indicate that his/her hostility stemmed from racial hatred.

While we're on the subject, there's one more thing I want to note. I notice that, as at least one commentor at La Shawn's site says, there have been some neo-nazi websites that have been taking this up. I'm disgusted as hell, mainly because when I did a Google search, I did come across at least two websites that were run by racists, one calling itself a forum for whites. IMHO, these abominable racists who've been taking up the crime as some kind of a "cause" are doing it in order to embarrass people with common sense from coming to the aid of the victims' families. And do they truly care about the victims? Frankly, I doubt it. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these neo-nazi websites were fronts for the MSM, doing their best to make solving these crimes more difficult. They don't speak for me, and should be shunned and kept away from. And they should BURN IN HELL alongside the murderers.

In conclusion here, I want to make it clear that no matter the racial background of the perpetrators, a crime as cannibalistic as what the gang that murdered Newsom and Christian committed is quite simply, a crime. And no matter the racial background, it should be given coverage in the newspaper, radio and TV based medium.

Update: Hot Air now reports that CNN has run a report on the case...as only CNN possibly can (H/T: Leaning Straight Up): they cite an Aryan type blogger, no doubt in an effort to smear conservative bloggers as fascists, and imply that anyone who cares about what happened to the couple has got to be a white bigot. The sad thing is how, when the MSM does get around to dealing with these kind of things, there's every chance that they'll turn to upside-down moonbattery in how they write their reports.

Others on the subject include Hyscience, Sugar Ray Dodge, Six Meat Buffet, Michael Wilt, Right Wing Rebel, Ace of Spades HQ, Independent Conservative (plus, another one), Webloggin, Douchebag Report, Leaning Straight Up, California Conservative, Balder Blog, Conservative Times, The Alter Ego of C. Wonder, Egotistically Stratospheric Gun Grabber, Urban Scrawl, Nashville is Talking, Bookworm Room, Baltimore Reporter, GOP for America.

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