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Wednesday, August 22, 2007 

Keep an eye out for these two men on a ferry

The FBI is looking for two men who exhibited strange behavior on a ferry in Washington. From King-5 TV (via Michelle Malkin, who's got a picture of the two):
The FBI is asking for the public’s help two identify two men who have been seen acting strangely aboard Washington State ferries recently.

According to federal agents, passengers have seen the men on several occasions exhibiting unusual behavior. The FBI did not say precisely what that unusual behavior entailed.

Anyone who knows the men or there whereabouts are asked to call the FBI at (206) 622-0460.
If you see them, let the feds know, because the Seattle Post-Intelligencer appears to be unwilling to help, this in spite of how terrorist moles seem to be quite active in studying the ferries and their docks. Absurdly enough, the Seattle P-I has even been running an odd haiku contest, but after the responses they got, they've had to admit it was a ridiculous idea.

Most fortunately, many people have been providing the FBI with tips, and aren't letting the CAIR grievance-mongers perturb them from helping to defend their country.

Update: ah, so that's why the FBI is looking for them: a suspicious package was left behind a ferry toilet, and it's possible that they may have planted the item there. Predictably, the Muslim community is angry about it but not at the suspects themselves.

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