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Wednesday, July 15, 2009 

Woman saved from Muslim "husband" tells her tale

A woman who was rescued from a prison-like life with a "husband" who was more like a jailer has told about her experiences to an audience in Elad:
(IsraelNN.com) Over 500 women heard the dramatic story this week of a woman rescued from her Arab husband-turned-jailer by the anti-assimilation Yad L’Achim organization. The gathering took place in the central Israel city of Elad.

The women were treated to a unique, first-time appearance of a young woman who was rescued by Yad L’Achim volunteers from the Arab village in which her husband kept her captive.

“At the last moment,” she recounted with tears, “the people of Yad L’Achim were able to save me from inside the village. They were truly selfless.”

She told how she was first brought to the Galilee village, without even knowing that her new husband was not Jewish. The woman detailed the physical suffering and mental anguish she underwent during the period in which she was, for all intents and purposes, incarcerated in the Arab town.

The audience was even more enraptured when the woman’s two children – typical Arab youngsters until recently, who have now returned to their religion – recited the fundamental Shma Yisrael prayer with great devotion.

“By the merit of Yad L’Achim, I have now returned to my nation and my people, in a secret and well-furnished apartment,” she said with heartfelt appreciation.
There was another case told about there of a woman who escaped from Gaza, who, while she was able to take 3 children with her, still has 2 twin daughters held in Gaza by their "grandfather". As one of the Yad L'Achim directors warned, we can't be apathetic about cases like these.

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