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Friday, October 15, 2010 

MSM's paparazzi damaged joy of rescue for Chilean miners

I'm glad that the 33 miners who were trapped in a mine in Chile were finally rescued from their dark tomb this week. However, it appears there's a very grave aftermath to this, as paparazzi reporters mobbed the site and made things quite unpleasant (via Big Peace):
SAN JOSE MINE, Wednesday 13 October 2010 (AFP) - The joy of family members of the first miner to be rescued in Chile Wednesday turned suddenly to horror when hundreds of journalists trampled their humble tent in a mad rush to speak to them.

The chaos and jostling marred what had been a celebratory moment shared by the relatives of Florencio Avalos, the 31-year-old miner who was the first of the 33 to be winched to the surface.

Moments before Avalos stepped out of the rescue cage to hug his son and wife, and President Sebastian Pinera and other officials, the family had been surrounded in their tent on all sides by walls of cameras and journalists.

But when Avalos appeared on the television they were watching, to cheers, applause and horns throughout the camp where the miners' families were staying, the news workers rushed forward as one to capture the historic moment.

Avalos's father Alfonso, tears running down his face, said: "It's a huge joy. I'm so happy."

Then, as Alfonso hugged his wife Maria Silva, things turned ugly.

Reporters pushed and shoved to be the first to interview them, pulling on the hair of those in the way, throwing punches and almost knocking others to the ground.

The family retreated, and a frightened-looking Maria angrily hit out at journalists close to her with the Chilean flag bunched in her hand.

But the media mob, five-deep, kept advancing, crushing furniture and finally toppling the family's humble tent.
This makes another of various stories over the years where what we call paparazzi have shown they're more interested in a press report than in the real safety of the miners. All those sick "journalists" owe an apology for practically getting in the way of medical attention to boot.

And I'd say there was irresponsibility abound here - why were the MSM allowed that near the site anyway? They should've been kept behind a line or something.

I hope the workers are all well and will be able to return to life as usual, but for now, the MSM have only done it again, and shown they're not interested in really saving lives; they're only interested in news coverage at all costs.

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