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Sunday, May 04, 2014 

Egged will finally post ads with women on its Jerusalem buses again

After all the attempts at discrimination they made for the sake of their Haredi passengers, they're finally going to put advertising with women on their buses again:
The Egged bus company and its advertising agency, Cnaan, have reached an agreement with the government that will allow for women to be shown on advertisements placed on the company's Jerusalem buses. The government will help cover the costs of coping with vandalized buses.

The state and Egged arrived at their agreement following a petition submitted by the "Yerushalmim" movement against the Transportation Ministry, Egged and Cnaan. Yerushalmim is a non-profit organization that campaigns for diversity and pluralism in the capital.
I'm glad they're finally coming to sense. It's alarming how money trumps concern over discrimination. Yeshiva World, the site that sometimes uses too many Hebrew/Yiddish wordings, has some pretty sloppy info:
Back in the summer of 2012 Egged bowed to mounting chareidi pressure and attacks against buses carrying immodest ads and stopped showing women in bus ads. The company showed it did not wish to discriminate and announced men would not appear in ads either.
But there weren't any attacks against buses. Certainly not arson, if that's what they're inferring, and besides, the discrimination actually came up in 2004. They also have a very bungling view of discrimination, because taking the men out of the ads does not absolve them if it's only to justify their continued banning of women on the ads. As the following reader comment shows, there's Haredis who despise this development:
They can expect the ads to be torn and/or defaced.

And rightfully so.
Oh, so the company's not allowed to determine what they want to display on their own property? What a disgrace the kook who posted that is. Another one says:
the women in these ads are obviously not dressed in a tsnius manner.This is such a shame that the bus company in the holy city of Jerusalem can’t respect religious sensitivities. I vote to ban all advertising on buses-egged makes enough money!!
Why must "religious" sensitivities be accomodated at all turns, and why can't they respect us non-Haredis in return? What a jerk. If they don't want to ride the buses, then it's time they worked to buy their own cars, or at least form their own private lines.

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