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Sunday, September 21, 2014 

2 girls from Lev Tahor cult flee foster care

It appears that 2 girls from the cult, apparently still obsessed with being part of it, ran away from foster care:
The two remaining Lev Tahor children being held in foster care in Toronto have been reunited with their father in the United States.

The two girls, 15- and 17-year-old American citizens, fled their foster family and took a bus to Niagara Falls before being stopped at the border and placed in the care of Children’s Services Niagara County.

Their case came before a U.S. court, but the children were returned to their father after local child welfare authorities withdrew their application to hold them. They did so even after receiving a dossier containing all the allegations against Lev Tahor, said Guidy Mamann, a lawyer representing members of the group.
As usual, that disgusting lawyer of theirs has to mouth off. Mamann is a terrible excuse for an attorney, and should have his license revoked for aiding such offensive customs. I'm hugely disappointed in the girls for wanting to remain with such an awful bunch and not thinking for themselves or realizing their MO only hurts people.

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Seems like some people just can't let go!

These girls were under the supervision of Quebec Youth protection for 18 months and not once did they go to court to allege that these kids needed protection.

In Ontario, they were apprehended by CAS not because they were being abused by their parents but because their parents tried to take them out of the jurisdiction in violation of a court order. Again, after 6 months in foster care, no attempt was made by Ontario CAS to prove that these kids were being abused by either of their parents.

When the girls got fed up of pleading to be returned to their parents, they took matters into their own hands.

When they arrived in the USA, the Niagara child protection authorities appointed a children's lawyer who interviewed them extensively about their relationship with their parents and their wishes. They repeated that they wanted to be with their parents and that they were not abused or neglected. The US authorities studied all of the material they received from Canada and conducted their own investigation. Because there was absolutely no proof of any abuse or neglect by either of the parents against either of the girls, there was no need for protection. Niagara authorities withdrew their request for protection and that is that.

Of course, fools will continue to believe what they want to believe. But three child protection authorities failed or refused to go to court with junk evidence or no evidence at all.

Somehow, that is not proof enough that there is nothing wrong going on.

They are now with their parents where they should have been all along.

So sorry that doesn't sit well with the nonsense you have been fed by the media and the people who had plenty of motive to attack this group.

Oh, I see, an apologist are you, eh? Buster, I know how to figure out when the media could be telling an untruth or not, and I'm not going to take the word of some stupid fool who won't even sign his real name. I guess you must quite admire the cult's anti-Israel stance too, isn't that right? Not to mention you must be perfectly fine with how the girls are taught to wear clothes similar to burkas, which is sickening. Maybe you really do believe women should deny themselves vitamin D and develop illnesses like osteoporosis. In that case, make sure the door doesn't whack you from behind on your way out. Bye.

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