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Wednesday, April 01, 2015 

Yachad's spiritual leaders calls for reporting voter fraud

According to this, the spiritual leader of the party that didn't make it into the Knesset wants everyone concerned to report about voter fraud in the Haredi sector:
Rosh Yeshiva of the yeshiva Chair of Mercy (Kisei Rachamim) Hagaon Rabbi Moshe Mazuz, spiritual leader of the Party’ Yahcad, published in Radio Kol Chai on Sunday a letter in which he refers to the loss in the party elections while writing about the allegations that of electoral fraud.

Hagaon Rabbi Moshe writes in his letter: “Since we heard that there were many cases of fraud and intimidation at the polls, and, the party Yachad as a result did not pass the threshold – so I hereby give notice that according to my Torah opinion anyone who has seen or heard of these things that will give testimony to the proper authorities”.

Hagaon Rabbi Moshe added in the letter: “To bring truth and justice and integrity into their proper place – and as it says in the Torah ‘if he does not tell and he will carry the sin.”

In support of Rav Mazuz’ statements, we have to ask if it is intentional revenge or a logistic mistake? At the Yeshiva, Rabbi Meir Mazuz went on to claim that groups affiliated with Shas in the Bnei Brak municipality have been harassing them since the elections, because of their activities for the party Yachad. Among other claims, maintenance personnel from the yeshiva say that for many days the municipality has not bothered to remove the garbage. The sanitation department said in response: “These are fantasies.” Sunday night, after an inquiry by Walla News, a garbage truck arrived and cleared the rubbish of the Yeshiva.

“They usually clear the trash every day,” says Moses, the one responsible for cleaning the yeshiva. “At most, they pick it up every two days. Last week, they did not pick up the trash throughout the week. Only on Thursday, they finally came and took everything. The truck driver asked me: ‘What happened for the city to cut you off?’ Then I finally realized that he had received orders from above“. It would seem that this is a trivial argument, but in the yeshiva they say that it interrupts the orderly conduct of their daily business. “There are smelly bins on the street and it makes a mess”.

According to those responsible for cleaning, this is deliberate harassment. “After they took the garbage on Thursday, they didn’t come back. Even today, in the morning, while we saw passing garbage trucks on the street, workers collected garbage from all the bins from the surrounding buildings, except for the bins belonging to the yeshiva”.

The yeshiva pointed an accusing finger at the municipal sanitation department, as this issue is in their jurisdiction. The head of the division is Nati Nahum, who is affiliated with Shas. “Anyone who says such a claim, he lives in a dream world,” said Nahum in response to Walla News. “There is no reality in which the municipality leaves bins full for five days. Maybe it wouldn’t be cleared for one day after the yeshiva is out on vacation. “He said,” We have great respect for the Yeshiva“.

Meanwhile, Yishai’s party said they were not desperate over the outcome of the election. Rabbi Mazuz issued a ruling today demanding supporters complain of fakes and intimidation at the polls, as he says, “as a result of this, we did not pass the threshold“.
What I find particularly surprising is that the police did nothing to keep proper watch on the polling stations. That's why it was able to happen. They have to start acting more efficiently if they don't want this to continue.

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