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Friday, February 01, 2019 

Tribute painting to Bataclan victims stolen

The news suggests the entire door it was painted upon was stolen too:
A French judicial official says police are investigating the theft of an artwork by the British artist Banksy that was painted as a tribute to the victims of the 2015 terror attacks at the Bataclan music hall in Paris.

The artwork, a black image appearing to depict a person mourning, had been made on an emergency door at the Bataclan. It was stolen last week. The judicial official was not authorized to be publicly named because the investigation is ongoing.
Was the entire door pulled off its hinges in order to do that? As I may have noted before, the prior owners of Bataclan may have sold it - very disgustingly at that - to Qatari sources, which only adds insult to injury, and it wouldn't shock me if the new owners had anything to do with it. Of course, how can you sell a painting that's painted on a door frame? Only on the black market, so in the end, will police actually turn up anything? Will they even try?

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Does the New York Times treat Israel fairly?












Professor A.J. Caschetta said:

“The truth is that no amount of respect will satisfy Islamists.

Since the end of World War II, U.S. policy makers have
nearly always sided with Muslims against their enemies.

For decades, U.S. administrations sided with Muslim
Pakistan over Hindu India. U.S. power and technology
liberated Afghanistan from the Soviet Union, Kuwait
from Iraq, and Bosnia and Kosovo from Yugoslavia.

Americans have fought—and some have died—
to save starving Muslims in Somalia
and flooded Muslims in Indonesia.

In 1982, U.S. power even saved the loathsome
PLO from destruction by Israel in Lebanon.

And, in spite of all this, the U.S. remains
the No. 1 target of Islamic supremacists.

U.S. policymakers should recognize that
no act of kindness, no amount of aid
and no military rescue mission will
ever be enough to appease Islamists.”

While 2018 was a good year for Islamists,
2019 is looking even better

by A.J. Caschetta, 2019 January 11

A.J. Caschetta is a Ginsburg-Ingerman fellow
at the Middle East Forum and a principal
lecturer at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Louis René Beres said:

“For Hamas, the Israeli enemy is more
than just a geo-strategic opponent.

It is, rather, a delegated religious
target slated for annihilation,
one whose obligatory and violent
elimination will confer blessedly
eternal life upon the Islamic sacrificer”.

Radical Islam: Terrorism as Power Over Death
by Louis René Beres, 2019 January 3

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said:

“The US cannot look the other way while
Saudi Arabia features anti-Semitic hate
speech year after year in the educational
material it gives to its children.”

SOURCE: Despite Pledges of Change,
Saudi Textbooks Still Rife With Anti-Semitism,
New ADL Report Finds


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