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Saturday, March 23, 2019 

Netanyahu should certainly sue Gantz and Yaalon for defamation

The prime minister wants to sue Gantz and Moshe Yaalon for inciting against him in the case of the submarine deal that Netanyahu's been exonerated from:
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu declared on Friday that he would sue Benny Gantz and Moshe Ya’alon, the leaders of the Blue and White party, for libel after Ya’alon suggested his behavior in the submarine affair “could constitute treason.”

“The call of ‘traitor’ against me by [Yair] Lapid, [Benny] Gantz and Ya'alon is a serious incitement that must not be ignored,” Netanyahu said in a video posted to his Facebook page.

“The lies of Lapid, Gantz and Ya'alon are crossing a red line on the most sensitive issues concerning Israel's security. Therefore, I instructed my lawyers to sue them for libel,” added the Prime Minister.

Netanyahu said he would also have sued Lapid, but that Lapid has parliamentary immunity as a sitting MK.

Lapid later published a video of his own in which he declared he would remove his immunity and invited the Prime Minister to sue him as well.

“You know very well that not me, not Benny Gantz, not Bogie Ya’alon and not Gabi Ashkenazi called you a traitor in the submarine affair,” said Lapid.
But it was. And Lapid's not doing any favors now by backing them up. Mainly because:
Police have also stressed that the Prime Minister is not suspected of any connection to the affair.
And that's why it's ludicrous and offensive to accuse Netanyahu of something he's not a suspect in. By all means, I do believe Netanyahu should sue. It would be a very good way to fight back against political defamation.

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Winston Churchill said [in year 1955 CE]:

“You ought to let the Jews have Jerusalem;
it is they who made it famous.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 26, page 292) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.


Winston Churchill said this in 1937 CE:

“[Winston] Churchill did not accept that the Jews
were a foreign race [to the Holy Land]. He said it was
the Arabs who had been the outsiders, the conquerors.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 10, page 115) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.


According to the Wikipedia internet encyclopedia,
these lands were conquered by the Rashidun Caliphs,
from year 632 to year 661 of the Common Era
(from west to East): Libya, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon,
Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Eastern Turkey, and Iran.

Therefore, Winston Churchill was correct when
he said that the Muslims were the outsiders
and conquerors, with respect to the land of Israel.

In the year 1922 CE Winston Churchill said this:

“Left to themselves, the Arabs of Palestine would not
in a thousand years have taken effective steps towards
the irrigation and electrification of Palestine.

They would have been quite content to dwell,
a handful of philosophic people, in the wasted
sun-scorched plains, letting the waters of the Jordan
continue to flow unbridled and unharnessed into the Dead Sea.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 7, page 81) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE


Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.

Winston Churchill said this in year 1922 CE:

“The Arabs would have sat in the dark forever
had not the Zionist engineers harnessed
the Jordan River for electrification.

Now they swarm into Palestine in seeking the light.”

SOURCE: A Peace to End All Peace

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.


This comment from Winston Churchill
appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle
dated 1929 September 12, one day after he said it:

“The Jews have developed the country,
grown orchards and grain fields out of the desert,
built schools and great buildings, constructed
irrigation projects and water power houses
and have made Palestine a much better place
in which to live than it was before
they came a few years ago.

The Arabs are much better off now
than before the Jews came, and it will
be a short time only before they realize it.”

SOURCE: Churchill and the Jews
(chapter 8, page 91) by Martin Gilbert, year 2007 CE

Winston Churchill was British Prime Minister
from 1940 to 1945 CE and from 1951 to 1955 CE.

Refuting the Fans of Vashti:


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