Shaked appears poised
to lead the political faction Bennett started, and they'll hopefully join forces with other right-wing parties, without making too many petty demands along the way:
Jewish Home chairman and Education Minister Rabbi Rafi Peretz congratulated former ministers Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked on Sunday for the agreement they reached.
"I am happy to see that the New Right leaders are coming to an agreement between them," Peretz wrote on Twitter. "The time has come now for real unification on the right. Ayelet and Naftali are already invited tonight for negotiations regarding a merger."
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu summoned Peretz to a meeting on Sunday regarding a right-wing merger, in light of of the expected press conference of former minister Ayelet Shaked on Sunday evening.
Right-wing sources say that Netanyahu is expected to ask Rabbi Peretz to unite the main political bodies in the camp to the right of the Likud, and to give up the first place on the list for that purpose.
According to the same sources, Netanyahu has been exposed in the past few days to surveys that predicted a double-digit number of mandates on a list led by Shaked.
I have no idea how accurate that'll turn out to be. But until the next election day, if Shaked and Bennett are smart, they'll make sure they join forces with people like Peretz, and not run in an un-united fashion again like last time; just look how that turned out. They'll also avoid all needless attacks on the Likud like they came close to doing last time, and just concentrate on vital issues, even social ones. Unity is how to succeed, not in-fighting.
Labels: Israel, Knesset
"What is the Israeli-Arab conflict really about?"
Mr. John Rossomando said:
“[IUMS Trustee Sheikh Hassan Ould] Aldo
and the [Muslim] Brotherhood use language
similar to what Hamas used in its original
charter, which rejected any peaceful coexistence.
To them, Palestine is part of
a waqf, a holy Islamic trust,
that no person can negotiate away.”
SOURCE: Muslim Brotherhood,
Hamas: No Peace as Long as Israel Exists
by Mr. John Rossomando, 2019 July 1
The Koran teaches that Jews are
the worst enemies of Muslims.
The Koran’s 5th chapter, verse 82 says:
“You will find that the people most
hostile towards the believers [Muslims]
are the Jews and the polytheists...”
At a [year] 1937 [CE] lecture to the British
Foreign Ministry, the King of Saudi Arabia said:
“Verily, the word of Allah teaches us,
and we implicitly believe this...
for a Muslim to kill a Jew...
ensures him immediate entry into Heaven...”
The Holocaust’s Most Vicious Killers
by Edwin Black, The Jewish Press,
2011/1/21, pages 1 and 91.
Louis René Beres said:
“For Hamas, the Israeli enemy is more
than just a geo-strategic opponent.
It is, rather, a delegated religious target
slated for annihilation, one whose obligatory
and violent elimination will confer blessedly
eternal life upon the Islamic sacrificer”.
SOURCE: Radical Islam:
Terrorism as Power Over Death
by Louis René Beres, 2019 January 3
“If one or more of the parties knows that peace
implies the end of its existence, it has no motive
to return to peace. That is how the radical Islamists
of Hamas view the future of Muslim society.
A wealthy and successful Jewish state next to
a poor and dysfunctional Palestinian state
may imply the end of the moral authority of Islam,
and some Palestinians would rather fight to
the death than embrace such an outcome.
Rather than consign their children to the
Western milieu of personal freedom and sexual
license, radical Muslims will fight to the death.”
SOURCE: How Civilizations Die
(chapter Introduction, page xiv) by David P. Goldman,
year 2011 CE, Regnery Publishing, ISBN 978-1-59698-273-4
The Koran requires the "abasement and poverty" of Jews:
CONCLUSION: Contrary to popular belief,
Israeli-Arab conflict is NOT ABOUT LAND.
It is about Arab schools and Islam’s most
sacred books teaching hate against Jews.
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
7/21/2019 08:51:00 AM
Why the Far-Left hates Israel:
Mr. Jonathan S. Tobin [Editor in Chief of JNS] said:
“In the progressive [Leftist] milieu, the Jewish state is viewed as racist by definition, and the belief in Intersectional Theory, which falsely claims the Palestinian war on Israel’s existence to be morally equivalent to the struggle for civil rights in the United States, is widespread.”
SOURCE: It’s more than just a parade for Israel
by Jonathan S. Tobin, 2019 June 3
from Mosaic Magazine:
“If the occupation [of the West Bank] ended
tomorrow, Israel would still have a nationalist
and religious identity at odds with the Left’s
broadly post-nationalist and post-religious vision.”
The American Left’s Abandonment of
Both Israel and the Jews 2019 March 12
Eric Rozenman said:
“The Bolsheviks and their heirs [the Far Left] despised small European nationalities,
as well as religion. So Jews as a people are a double target.
SOURCE: Fair Criticism of Israel?
What About the Palestinians? by Eric Rozenman
Mr. Charlie Kirk (a Conservative activist) said:
“They [the political Leftists] hate the idea
that certain countries can be better than others,
and Israel is one of the greatest success stories
in history of the world.
The [political] Left does not want those success stories to exist.”
SOURCE: Conservative activist Charlie Kirk
speaks of ‘eye-opening’ stint in Israel: by Josh Hasten, 2019 March 20
Zach Goldberg said:
“As Jews have become [symbols] of whiteness in the Liberal political imagination — to the point that Israel is considered a white state, despite having a slight nonwhite majority — they have come to be associated with an oppressor class.”
White Liberals Are Turning against the Jews and Israel, 2019 June 11
Rafaella Gunz said:
“The thing is, too many (goyim) Western
Leftists want to see everything as
black and white, oppressed vs. oppressor.
Many do not understand the nuance of
the Israel/Palestine conflict.
And what’s worse, many don’t care
to understand the full story.
I was actually blocked by a feminist page
for trying to explain why comparing
Israel’s military tactics to full-on
genocide is a slippery slope.
Despite saying numerous times that
I’m critical of the Israeli government’s
policies, I was banned and had all
my comments deleted.
When other Jews on the thread asked
why I was banned, the admin entirely
misconstrued everything I said.”
How I Dealt with Anti-Semites After the Embassy
Opening in Jerusalem by Rafaella Gunz, 2018 May 30
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
7/21/2019 08:58:00 AM
more reasons why the Far Left hates Israel:
[1] The Far Left hates the USA, and Israel is an ally of the USA.
[2] The Far Left is the ideological heir of the former Soviet Union (USSR), which hated Israel.
[3] The restoration of the ancient Jewish state and the ancient Jewish language, and Israel's war victories against overwhelming odds, and Israel transforming the desert into an oasis [without money from the sale of petroleum-oil], and Israel's success in technology and prosperity; all of these things hint at the awesome power of the Ancient-Jewish-G*D, Whom the Far-Left wants to erase from the world.
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
7/21/2019 08:59:00 AM