Tommy Robinson was disgustingly abused in prison, mainly by the British state
Unless Robinson is lying – which I doubt – this is the only logical conclusion to be drawn from the accounts he gave to Rebel Media’s Ezra Levant and Fox News’s Tucker Carlson.This pretty much sums up what's become of Britain...even under a "conservative" government. There's more on Robinson's ordeal here. At this point, I wouldn't be shocked if Theresa May wouldn't care if Jeremy Corbyn were elected in her stead, and undoubtably make things much worse for the blighty, because her efforts with Brexit, if it matters, have been nothing short of farcical as it is.
How else do you explain the perverse decision to move this outspoken critic of Islam into the Category C prison with the highest proportion of Muslim inmates in Britain?
Why was he put in a ground floor cell, opposite the prison mosque, which enabled the inmates to spit and throw excrement through his window – to the point where his only option was to keep it shut and suffer in the stifling heat?
And why was his food allowed to be prepared and served by Muslim prisoners when the authorities would undoubtedly have known that it would be deliberately contaminated with excrement and heaven knows what else?
[...] If this kind of abuse were handed out to any other kind of prisoner – be he a child-murderer or a terrorist – can you imagine the fuss that would be made by all the civil rights groups, all the activist lawyers, all the left-leaning newspapers, the BBC?
Robinson's persecution shows where Britain is going - to hell in a handbasket, and it looks to be truly awful in the end.
Labels: dhimmitude, islam, londonistan, Moonbattery, msm foulness, political corruption, racism
According to ancient Rabbis who lived around
2,000 years ago, the final stage of history
that precedes the Messianic Era is called
the Galut Yishmael, which means the
Arab Exile, or the Exile of the religion
of the Arabs, which is Islam.
During this era, Arabs will be everywhere
[which is an amazing prediction because
2,000 years ago, Arabs only lived in the
places that we call Saudi Arabia and Yemen]
and they will dominate and cause terrible
suffering to the Jews.
The situation with Arabs and Muslims seems
very dark, but both their rise and their
eventual fall were predicted ancient times.
The Jewish people are descendants of Yaakov
[Jacob], which means: “he who wins in the end”.
The Jewish people are also descendants
of Yitzchak [Isaac], which means:
“he who laughs [in the end]”.
No matter how dark the Muslim situation seems,
in the end, the Muslims lose and the Jews win.
The Jews have survived numerous enemies that
were much more powerful than today’s Muslims:
the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece, Nazi Germany,
the Soviet Union, even the Islamic Caliphate
of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.
All of them are gone, and radical Islam will
become just another failed civilization that
vanished after attacking the Jews, forever
flushed down the toilet bowl of History.
NEW: Time Magazine vs Truth:
Who are the Palestinians?
Posted by
Mr. Cohen |
8/03/2018 09:13:00 AM