Thursday, July 25, 2024 

Pro-Hamas vandals burned American flags in the District of Columbia

While Benjamin Netanyahu was giving his very impressive speech at Congress on Wednesday, the anti-Israel crowd in the USA predictably went about not just scrawling hateful graffiti against Israel, but also burning American flags and vandalizing USA symbols:
The Liberty Bell replica outside Washington, DC’s Union Station was defaced with pro-Hamas symbols and anti-Israel messages, including one that read “F–k Israel,” during a protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

As thousands of protesters descended on the capital on Wednesday, the demonstrations quickly turned to vandalism around Union Station, where the anti-Israel crowd targeted landmarks to spread hateful messages against the Jewish state.

The Liberty Bell reproduction at the site was defaced with countless graffiti with messages like “Abolish Israel,” “All zionists are bastards” and “F–k Capitalists.” [...]

The protesters at Union Station were also seen burning American flags and an effigy of Netanyahu, with DC police, Capitol Police and US Park Police reporting 23 arrests following a chaotic clash with law enforcement.
Their antics continue to be despicable, and drew outrage from the GOP. Joe Biden's vice president Kamala Harris, who's not supported by a lot of the far-leftists, belatedly condemned the violence that took place at the station:
Vice President Harris has released a statement condemning violent anti-Israel rioting that disrupted Washington D.C.'s busiest station.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee released the statement Thursday, hours after the violent protests against visiting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. we saw despicable acts by unpatriotic protesters and dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric," Harris said. "I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews.

The protesters spray-painted monuments and pulled down American flags flying outside Union Station, eventually lighting them on fire amid cheers and chants against Israel.
Unfortunately, Harris, even before these terrible incidents, did too little on her part to prove she abhors the behaviour of such repellent creeps, and it wouldn't be surprising if any presidential campaign she leads, assuming she becomes the candidate to replace Joe Biden, does nothing convincing to oppose what's happened so far.

Don't be shocked if soon enough, similar monsters in Europe will be burning the French, Italian and Dutch flags too. Such leftists are that horrific.

Update: and on that note, Muslims in France have been acting horrific for the gazillionth time, during the Olympics in Paris, and it's predictably making everything truly awful. Not that the Olympics have really been worth watching for a while now.

Update 2: the Israeli government warns that Iran has predictably also been making threats against the Israeli atheletes competing at the Olympics.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024 

Maggots are just like maggots

Joel Pollak wrote about the despicable anti-Israel protestors carrying on outside the hotel where Benjamin Netanyahu is staying in District of Columbia for his Congress speech this week:
Several thousand pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in Washington, DC, on Wednesday ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a special joint session of Congress — the fourth of his career, a record. [...]

Elsewhere, anti-Israel activists released maggots and mealworms at the Watergate Hotel, which is where Netanyahu is staying.

Many elected Democrats in Congress have said for weeks that they intend to boycott the speech, or even to disrupt it.

Some Democrats side with the Palestinians against the Israelis. Others follow the lead of the Israeli left, which wants to displace Netanyahu from office.

Many cannot explain their opposition to the Israeli prime minister, and some simply resent the fact that he has criticized the policies of Democratic presidents for being soft on Iran
(Barack Obama) or being soft on terror (Joe Biden).
It goes without saying all this is truly disgusting, and no sane person should associate with such perverts. And they can't even explain their hostility. All they care about is being obnoxious and violent.

Update: and here's a list of the Democrat members of Congress who're boycotting the speech to the assembly.

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Monday, July 22, 2024 

Far-left French parliamentarian says Israelis not welcome at Olympics

Another agitator on the left incites against Israeli athletes and endangers them, as the Olympics are soon to open:
Thomas Portes, the lawmaker who represents the 3rd constituency of the heavily multicultural Seine-Saint-Denis suburb of Paris in the National Assembly, has come under heavy criticism for saying on Saturday that athletes from Israel should not be allowed to participate in the Olympics.

“We are a few days away from an international event that will be held in Paris, which is the Olympic Games. I am here to say that no, the Israeli delegation is not welcome in Paris.”

Portes, formerly of the French Communist Party and now a member of the far-left LFI party of radical socialist Jean-Luc Mélenchon, made the comments at an anti-Israeli demonstration in Paris. He went on to call for “a mobilization” against Israeli athletes before the games begin next week, Le Figaro reports.

Yonathan Arfi, the president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF), accused the leftist lawmaker of putting “a target on the back of Israeli athletes.”

“1972: 11 Israeli athletes are murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the Munich Olympics. 2024: LFI calls for the exclusion of Israeli athletes from the Paris Olympics. Since October 7, Thomas Portes has legitimised Hamas. He is now putting a target on the backs of Israeli athletes, already the most threatened at the Olympic Games,” Arfi said.
Practically all of the Insoumise party is a bad omen, and their actions practically put all athletes from all nationalities in danger. This Portes should be expelled from the parliament altogether for his obscenities, and with the way the most corrupt politicians over the years have eroded the system, who knows if it'll be possible?

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Sunday, July 21, 2024 

Biden withdraws from reelection campaign

It looks like the USA's worst president so far is withdrawing from the presidential race, following the disastrous debate he had with Donald Trump:
President Joe Biden is ending his quest for reelection.

Biden announced his intention Sunday afternoon, promising to reveal more about his decision soon.
Unsurprisingly, he's recommending vice president Kamala Harris to replace him, and she's just as bad. And if she succeeds in being elected, that'll be a true disaster, based on her platforms. So the fiasco that really took off under Biden won't be over by a longshot.

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Saturday, July 20, 2024 

IAF strikes at Yemen after drone attack that struck Tel Aviv

An explosive drone struck Tel Aviv yesterday after security forces failed to stop it, and it resulted in the death of a 50-year-old man. Now, the IAF has struck Yemen in retaliation after tracing the drone to them:
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Saturday that it had struck the “Houthi terrorist regime” in Yemen for the first time, launching a long-distance airstrike on the Al Hudaydah Port, targeting the origin of a drone that hit Israel Friday.

The attack came in response to a Houthi drone that reached Tel Aviv on Friday, killing one Israeli civilian and wounding eight others after slipping past Israeli air defenses due to what the IDF called “human error.”
Well that was very irresponsible that they clearly assigned people who were asleep at the wheel on this issue. Or, maybe the same army officials who enabled October 7, 2023 to happen had something to do with the disaster that occurred here? This is exactly why a considerable cleanup is needed in the military to distance anybody who could be far-left from the staff.
Israel’s Army Radio said that Israel had destroyed both military targets and utilities that are used by the Houthis, such as fuel and electricity installations. The Times of Israel added that one of the goals of the attack was to disable the port through which Iran brings in weapons.
That makes for a good start, but Iran's forces will have to be smashed next.

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Thursday, July 18, 2024 

What it's like in Myanmar now

Here's a writer at the American Thinker telling what it's like in quasi-communist Myanmar (Burma), which has very little tourism in the past few years, since the military coup took place. On the plus side, however, many there do not like influence by Islam:
While Su Kyi is held in high regard in Khayan, the Muslim rebels, beloved by the international media, are less popular. The Burmese majority is Buddhist. Cows are sacred, if you haven’t heard. Restaurants in Myanmar don’t sell beef, which crimps the style of McDonald’s. “The Muslims have ‘kill the cow’ day [Eid al-Fitr],” I was told.
Well I'll give them credit for this: they certainly understand some things about Islam that many leaderships in the west are turning a deaf ear and blind eye at. Let's hope the Burmese are vigilant and do what they can to put a stop to the jihadists in the area.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 

This AI-based beauty contest must've been rigged in more ways than one

An AI-generated Muslim woman became the first winner of an AI-based beauty pageant:
CNN reports that the world’s first AI beauty pageant has concluded with the crowning of Kenza Layli, an entirely AI-generated Moroccan Muslim lifestyle influencer. Organized by Fanvue, an influencer platform for both AI and human creators, the Miss AI contest opened in the spring and attracted entries from approximately 1,500 AI programmers worldwide.

Kenza Layli, the winning AI contestant, was created by Myriam Bessa, founder of the Phoenix AI agency. As the creator of the winning entry, Bessa will receive a $5,000 cash prize, support on the Fanvue platform, and the services of a publicist to raise Layli’s profile. The runners-up in the competition were AI contestants Lalina Valina from France and Olivia C of Portugal.
I'm sure this was no accident. So now AI is being exploited for normalizing the Religion of Peace and pushing its agendas, subtle or otherwise. It only takes the flavor out of such farces, which do not replace real beauty pageants, and only suggest AI is being used for political propaganda instead of fun pastimes.

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