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Monday, July 22, 2024 

Far-left French parliamentarian says Israelis not welcome at Olympics

Another agitator on the left incites against Israeli athletes and endangers them, as the Olympics are soon to open:
Thomas Portes, the lawmaker who represents the 3rd constituency of the heavily multicultural Seine-Saint-Denis suburb of Paris in the National Assembly, has come under heavy criticism for saying on Saturday that athletes from Israel should not be allowed to participate in the Olympics.

“We are a few days away from an international event that will be held in Paris, which is the Olympic Games. I am here to say that no, the Israeli delegation is not welcome in Paris.”

Portes, formerly of the French Communist Party and now a member of the far-left LFI party of radical socialist Jean-Luc Mélenchon, made the comments at an anti-Israeli demonstration in Paris. He went on to call for “a mobilization” against Israeli athletes before the games begin next week, Le Figaro reports.

Yonathan Arfi, the president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF), accused the leftist lawmaker of putting “a target on the back of Israeli athletes.”

“1972: 11 Israeli athletes are murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the Munich Olympics. 2024: LFI calls for the exclusion of Israeli athletes from the Paris Olympics. Since October 7, Thomas Portes has legitimised Hamas. He is now putting a target on the backs of Israeli athletes, already the most threatened at the Olympic Games,” Arfi said.
Practically all of the Insoumise party is a bad omen, and their actions practically put all athletes from all nationalities in danger. This Portes should be expelled from the parliament altogether for his obscenities, and with the way the most corrupt politicians over the years have eroded the system, who knows if it'll be possible?

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