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Friday, July 12, 2024 

IDF probe reveals failures to act properly on October 7, 2023

The IDF has published its investigation into what enabled the October 7, 2023 bloodbath by Hamas, and it reveals, most chillingly, that there were troops who did not enter Kibbutz Be'eri to deal with the jihadists who invaded it:
The IDF publicized its first probe into Israel’s October 7 failure to prevent Hamas’s invasion, focusing in on the invasion of Beeri in the South, which parallels central Gaza, and which was overwhelmingly destroyed.

During the invasion, 101 Beeri residents were killed, 30 hostages were taken, of which 11 are still being held by Hamas in Gaza, 150 houses were destroyed, and several complete security breakdowns took place.

From the start of Hamas’s breaking through the Beeri security gate at 6:55 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., between 80-220 Hamas terrorists at anyone time (a total of 340 Hamas forces participated) massively outnumbered Israeli defenders, who had only between 13-26 fighters at any given moment.

[...] Between 6:55 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., a huge number of things went wrong for the IDF beyond the lack of IDF or Shin Bet warnings and the lack of forces preventing the Hamas invaders from arriving at Beeri in the first place.

Around 7:30 a.m., Hamas was already attacking and overwhelming the IDF’s forward headquarters for Gaza at Reim which would have been the main party to coordinate reinforcements.

Gaza Division Commander Brig. Gen. Avi Rosenfeld eventually fled and there was no one left nearby to coordinate a broad reinforcements operation or defense.

Rosenfeld recently resigned from the IDF.

Around 20 Hamas forces had penetrated the village from two different vectors in a short time.

[...] Around 10:45 a.m., the Sayeret Matkal special forces was on its way to help in Beeri, but was ambushed at the 232 junction, which other Hamas forces had taken over.

This delayed Sayeret Matkal from entering Beeri until around 1:30 p.m.

By 12:00 noon, Hamas had taken 11 more hostages to Gaza, the last group it would succeed in kidnapping.

A number of other forces at various times in the afternoon and evening were nearby and failed to enter Beeri earlier either because they were waiting for additional commanders to show up or because they viewed their role as evacuating Beeri residents only once Hamas was defeated.

The IDF probe harshly criticized these forces for passivity and emphasized the need for a spirit of risking one’s life to confront enemy forces to protect civilians.
Those who refused to enter the kibbutz and show the courage to face the enemy head on have serious blame to shoulder, and have no business working in the security profession to start with.

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