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Thursday, July 11, 2024 

More Haredi youths want to contribute to the war effort

Some good news on the defense front for Israel, as more ultra-Orthodox youths wish to do their part for the good of the country in battling the Hamas:
Against the backdrop of the public debate on equally sharing the burden within Israeli society to serve in the military, recent data on the integration of the ultra-Orthodox community into national-civil service indicate a positive trend over the past year.

Maariv has obtained information on the number of participants who joined the national-civil service frameworks, showing an impressive 65% increase within one year.

The number of ultra-Orthodox individuals who chose this path between July 2023 and June 2024 stands at 811 participants, compared to 492 new ultra-Orthodox recruits in the previous year.

In total, about 1,500 ultra-Orthodox individuals are currently serving in various national-civil service tracks, a figure not far from the number of ultra-Orthodox soldiers in military service.

In fact, since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas War, each month has seen significantly higher numbers of new recruits compared to the same month last year, including a record of 177 recruits just last month (June 2024).

When looking only at the data since the fighting started in October, the increase is even higher—73% more than in the corresponding period last year.
This is indeed very promising. There have, unfortunately, been some Haredi gurus who're trying to oppose their yeshiva students enrolling or being drafted, and that's wrong. But, if the above info is correct, there's hopefully plenty more who're wisely not letting such charlatans get in the way of an important mission involving justice. The fortunate thing following the horrifying tragedy of last year on October 7, 2023 is that now, there's more ultra-Orthodox who want to help in combatting Islamofascism. Let's wish all who're doing their part in the war effort the best of luck.

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