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Saturday, June 29, 2024 

Families run counter-protest against LGBT parade in Mitzpe Ramon

A movement of the LGBT in Mitzpe Ramon ran a pride parade despite objections at a time when Israel's still fighting against the Hamas in Gaza, and a local rabbi's son was serving in the IDF, doing his own part to battle Hamas, and got injured:
A Pride Prade was held today in Mitzpe Ramon despite calls from the public to refrain from holding the event.

Hundreds of reservists who are residents of Mitzpe Ramon addressed the organizers in a letter and asked them to cancel the controversial parade, but no response was received.

The marchers marched and sang the Hebrew song "Sura Hoshekh (Begone, Darkness)" as they passed near the Hesder Yeshiva in the city, whose head, Rabbi Tzvi Kostiner, is known for his opposition to LGBTQ organizations. Rabbi Kostiner's son, David, is a combat soldier who was injured in Gaza and has been lying in the hospital for several months now, badly injured.

Hundreds of residents from Mitzpe Ramon went down to the entrance square of the city to express their opposition to the Pride Parade and to protest in support of family values. They opened the rally with the singing of the song 'Our Brothers, the Entire House of Israel' in prayer for the return of the hostages and the success of the IDF.

David Tzviel, chairman of the 'Unity' party in the Mitzpe Ramon city council, read a chapter of Psalms. After him, former council head Lt. Col. (res.) Roni Marom gave a speech calling for "true unity, for a truth that does not hide - truth and faith."

Rabbi Tzvi Kostiner, head of the yeshiva, called for strengthening Jewish identity in the city and the state, and to draw strength from the Torah to continue the war against the Arab enemy and for the soul of the nation.
Tel Aviv canceled their LGBT pride parade this year, and by that logic, it would do well for the Mitzpe Ramon movements to follow suit. What they're doing is insulting to the plight of the rabbi's son who got wounded in battle, as though it's not bad enough these LGBT movements are hurting morale as it is.

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