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Friday, June 21, 2024 

NYC district attorney won't prosecute pro-Hamas offenders at Columbia university

New York DA Alvin Bragg once again proves what a bad lot he is by refusing to charge the majority of criminals who caused chaos at the Columbia campus with their anti-Israel antics (via Breitbart):
Nearly all of the people who were arrested inside Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall last month had their cases dropped Thursday.

Of the 46 people charged with trespassing in connection with the building’s occupation, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office dismissed cases against 31 people largely due to a lack of evidence. Prosecutors told 14 others that their cases would be dropped if they avoid being arrested in the next six months, but those defendants rejected that offer and will be due back in court on July 25.

The remaining defendant, James Carlson, has two other open cases against him involving separate charges, including flag burning. Carlson has no affiliation with the school.
So all Bragg cares about, predictably, is persecuting Donald Trump. Bragg does not deserve the job he works in at all.
In the downtown courtroom, some of the defendants wore face masks and some wore kaffiyehs, which are distinctly patterned Palestinian scarves. At least two wore sunglasses.

As the hearings began, police confiscated what appeared to be a protest sign found under one of the seats.

When a prosecutor told the court that Carlson was accused of burning an Israeli flag, some of the defendants seated in the room could be heard snickering. A police officer instructed them to be quiet.
Yet the outcome here once against signals a travesty of justice.

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