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Thursday, June 13, 2024 

Anti-Israel demonstrators in London damage a florist's business

One of the worst things about the repulsive anti-Israeli bigots in the UK is how they're willing to trample other's people's businesses to make their loathsome, illogical points (Hat tip: Front Page):
Anti-Israel protesters in north London have wreaked havoc on a flower stall, damaging equipment and forcing the shop to close.

Florist Natasha Boon faces costly repairs and lost income after her shop was forced to shut down amidst the chaos.

Demonstrators from “Gaza Week Camden” allegedly destroyed flower boxes, damaged the stall’s equipment, stole its electrical supply, and on Thursday forced the shop to shut entirely.

Boon, 32, said she has lost at least £500 in income and will have to spend a significant sum repairing the damage done to her stall’s awning….

The problems began on Wednesday when a planned demonstration surrounded Boon’s stall. The florist asked protesters to move away but was told by the group that the council had approved the protest and they refused to move.

“Then it escalated within minutes and there were hundreds if not thousands of people all surrounding my stall, shouting,”
Boon said.

She lost multiple customers throughout Wednesday and had to decline phone orders….
The way they acted was predictably disgusting, costing her, among others considerable income. One can easily argue that not only are certain foreign governments discriminating against Israel, they're even willing to let these monsters trample their own citizens in the process.

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