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Saturday, June 08, 2024 

Prayer service and marathon in memory of victims of jihadism

In this article, news of a women's prayer service at the site of the October 7, 2023 bloodbath:
Dozens of women gathered on Friday for a special Rosh Chodesh (the first of the Jewish month) prayer service at the site of the Nova music festival massacre. Among the worshipers were Environmental Protection Minister Idit Silman, public figures, and female religious leaders.
Next, in this article, news of a special marathon in memory of more victims of jihadism like Esther Horgen:
The annual race in memory of Esther Horgan of blessed memory was held in the town of Reihan in the Samaria Regional Council. Hundreds of runners from all over the country participated in the race, who came to pay respect and commemorate the memory of Esther, who was brutally murdered while out running in the Reihan Forest three and a half years ago.

The race, called 'Esterun,' is held every year and organized by the sports department of the Samaria Regional Council's community center. Among the hundreds of runners were also Esther's six children and her husband, Benjamin.

Samaria governor Yossi Dagan, who participated in the race, said: "Esther Horgan was an extraordinary woman, full of love for life and her family. She was a symbol of hope and action, and this race is a way to commemorate her memory and continue her legacy. We continue to fight and protect our home, just as Esther would have done."
Horgen is another victim who should be remembered. And this is a project that should be emulated in Europe and USA too.

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