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Tuesday, June 04, 2024 

Bill Maher's right about what the pro-Hamas crowd in the USA needs to know

And come to think of it, what many sympathisers with the Religion of Peace need to know. Here's what the HBO entertainer had to say:
Comedian Bill Maher said during his HBO “Real Time” show on Friday that pro-Hamas protesters in the U.S. should get “a taste” of how Islamic countries treat women.

Maher made the remarks as far-Left extremists have caused major disruptions at college campuses and in cities throughout the U.S.

“If you’re out protesting for a couple of hours wearing [a keffiyeh], you have to go all the way and spend an afternoon running errands wearing [a burqa],” he said. “You can’t side with the people who ruthlessly oppress women without at least getting a taste of what you’re supporting.”

“You want a cause? Because I totally got one for you, apartheid, yeah, apartheid, the thing you’ve been shouting about with Israel for months, never mind that Israeli Arabs are actually full citizens,” he continued. “Today, right now, hundreds of millions of women are treated worse than second-class citizens. When you mandate that one category of human beings don’t even have the right to show their face, that’s apartheid, and it goes on in a lot of countries.”

“This is happening right now, right under your nose rings,”
he added. “Fifteen countries in the Middle East, including Gaza, have laws that require women to obey their husbands, laws, not just Harrison Butker’s opinion. Kids, if you really want to change the world and not just tie up Monday morning traffic, this is the apartheid that desperately needs your attention, gender apartheid. This is what should be the social justice issue of your time. How about, from the river to the sea, every woman shall be free?”

He said that the pro-Hamas protesters don’t view the way the Islamic world treats women as a problem because “the people who are doing it aren’t white.”

“I hate to have to be the one to break it to you kids, but non-white people can do bad things too,”
he concluded.
There's just one thing. If we're talking about Arab Muslims, they're white too. If we're talking about black Muslims, on the other hand, that's where Maher's point is made better, ditto if it's Indonesia that's in focus. In any case, Maher's point is well made, that we have a serious case of ignorance at hand, though when you consider that LGBT ideologues - who're among the pro-Hamas crowd - are fine with subjecting girls to horrors like mastectomies, you can't be shocked if they're equally desensitized to the forms of violence the Hamas committed against girls on October 7, 2023.

Oh, and if any pro-Hamas creeps have nose rings, that just demonstrates how "punk subculture" is sadly still prevalent.

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