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Wednesday, May 29, 2024 

Tanks roll deep into Rafah

IDF troops continue to penetrate far into the Gazan area of Rafah to eliminate Hamas monsters:
Arabic-language media outlets reported early Tuesday that Israeli tanks had advanced deep into the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, expanding their military operation after a night of airstrikes pounded the city. According to Reuters, the Israeli military entered the center of Rafah, with tanks spotted by Palestinians near the Muaid Al-Auda junction, a central landmark in the city. The military did not immediately comment.

The intensifying Israeli offensive caused nearly one million Gazans to flee Rafah over the past three weeks, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. Footage emerged Tuesday morning showing the devastation in Rafah from the overnight Israeli airstrikes, but the claims of dozens of Palestinians being killed have not been proved. The targets of the attack were two senior Hamas terrorists. The military escalation comes as Israel aims to prevent and mitigate post-traumatic stress disorder among its soldiers from the intense combat. The Defense Ministry is tripling its funding for organizations that provide support to troops who experienced battlefield trauma.
Considering, as Florida governor Ron deSantis made clear himself, many of these Gazans are antisemitic, are we to feel sorry for them? And why must we hear what the corrupt UN has to say? The job must be completed in defeating the Hamas, and that's why the current strategy of starting in the middle of a cityscape.

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