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Saturday, July 13, 2024 

Vandalism of ancient areas is something Haredi extremists could prevent if they wanted by volunteering guard duty

A forum for guarding all areas of Israel found that Joshua's Altar had been vandalized by Islamofascists:
Activists from the Fighting for Every Dunam Forum who arrived Friday morning at sunrise to pray the morning prayers at Joshua's Altar on Mount Ebal discovered that Palestinian Authority Arabs have once again damaged or removed several layers of stones from the altar.

The activists reported that many sheep droppings were found at the site, indicating regular grazing in the historical area, which may suggest a direct connection between the Arab shepherds and the destruction of the altar. According to them, the destruction was carried out in two different places on the altar and some of its ancient stones were not only toppled to the ground but also broken into pieces.

This recent damage to the altar joins a series of attacks and terror incidents carried out by Arabs from the area against the site and Jewish visitors. Just last month, a powerful explosive device was found hidden among the altar stones, which terrorists intended to detonate remotely, in addition to the burning of tires on the altar stones, graffiti spraying, and other destruction.

About two months ago, Knesset member Tzvi Succot announced that the IDF would install a camera to regularly monitor the site and prevent damage to the altar. However, on Friday morning, as mentioned, activists discovered that the altar had been damaged again regardless.
This is awful, naturally. Now, if Haredi extremists like the ones who rioted against military recruitment wanted to, they could volunteer to take guard duty training and services for protecting these sites from vandalism. Yet they vehemently refuse even that much, and it only compounds how anti-Israel they actually are, doing what antisemites virtually celebrate, without a doubt.

As noted earlier, it's good there are more Haredis going into service now. But there's still plenty more who could, if they wanted to, defend these notable sites, and their refusal is only precipitating destruction of birthright heritage. And that's something they'll have answer for sooner or later.

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