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Sunday, July 14, 2024 

Rescued hostage recalls chilling meeting with Hamas leader

Sapir Cohen, who was held hostage by Hamas for 55 days, recalls her horrifying experiences, including when a Hamas leader turned up:
"On day 51, a man who appeared to be a senior figure arrived and informed Sahar Calderon and Or Yaakov, my fellow captives, that they would be released the following day. He then turned to me and said I would be released too. One of the other captors mentioned that I was over 18, prompting him to ask if I was a soldier. When I said no, he inquired about my military service," she told Israel Hayom. "I felt my face turning red and found myself at a loss for words. Trying to recall what I had told my captors during the initial interrogation, I said I had been a clerk at the Kirya (the IDF military headquarters). He asked if I served in the reserves, and when I again replied no, he simply turned and left."

"It wasn't until after my return to Israel that I realized the identity of the man who had spoken to me. It was Yahya Sinwar himself, the Hamas leader in Gaza." When asked what she would have said to Sinwar had she recognized him, Cohen replied, "I wouldn't have asked anything." Sapir was released after 55 days in captivity during the final phase of the hostage deal on November 30, 2023. In recent weeks, Cohen has been addressing Jewish communities worldwide, including segments of the public who oppose a hostage deal.
That most definitely is terrifying. And we must hope he can be brought down, one way or another.

Here's also an interview with Bernard Henri-Levy, on what he thinks of a sad situation where Israel is all alone.

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