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Wednesday, July 24, 2024 

Maggots are just like maggots

Joel Pollak wrote about the despicable anti-Israel protestors carrying on outside the hotel where Benjamin Netanyahu is staying in District of Columbia for his Congress speech this week:
Several thousand pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in Washington, DC, on Wednesday ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a special joint session of Congress — the fourth of his career, a record. [...]

Elsewhere, anti-Israel activists released maggots and mealworms at the Watergate Hotel, which is where Netanyahu is staying.

Many elected Democrats in Congress have said for weeks that they intend to boycott the speech, or even to disrupt it.

Some Democrats side with the Palestinians against the Israelis. Others follow the lead of the Israeli left, which wants to displace Netanyahu from office.

Many cannot explain their opposition to the Israeli prime minister, and some simply resent the fact that he has criticized the policies of Democratic presidents for being soft on Iran
(Barack Obama) or being soft on terror (Joe Biden).
It goes without saying all this is truly disgusting, and no sane person should associate with such perverts. And they can't even explain their hostility. All they care about is being obnoxious and violent.

Update: and here's a list of the Democrat members of Congress who're boycotting the speech to the assembly.

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