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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 

This AI-based beauty contest must've been rigged in more ways than one

An AI-generated Muslim woman became the first winner of an AI-based beauty pageant:
CNN reports that the world’s first AI beauty pageant has concluded with the crowning of Kenza Layli, an entirely AI-generated Moroccan Muslim lifestyle influencer. Organized by Fanvue, an influencer platform for both AI and human creators, the Miss AI contest opened in the spring and attracted entries from approximately 1,500 AI programmers worldwide.

Kenza Layli, the winning AI contestant, was created by Myriam Bessa, founder of the Phoenix AI agency. As the creator of the winning entry, Bessa will receive a $5,000 cash prize, support on the Fanvue platform, and the services of a publicist to raise Layli’s profile. The runners-up in the competition were AI contestants Lalina Valina from France and Olivia C of Portugal.
I'm sure this was no accident. So now AI is being exploited for normalizing the Religion of Peace and pushing its agendas, subtle or otherwise. It only takes the flavor out of such farces, which do not replace real beauty pageants, and only suggest AI is being used for political propaganda instead of fun pastimes.

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