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Thursday, September 29, 2005 

CAIR wants Congress to recognize Ramadan

And more or less neglects to acknowledge any of the bad things Islam has done while doing it. Here's Moonbat Central's entry on the subject. And it's when this part of their resolution comes around...
"during this time of conflict, in order to demonstrate solidarity with and support for members of the community of Islam in the United States and throughout the world, the House of Representatives recognizes the Islamic faith as one of the great religions of the world.."
...that you begin to realize that they're really being uppity about it. "Islam is a classic and nothing else" is what they're trying to say, more or less. Yawn.

Then of course, they issue a nice little sob story to accompany that part:
"Whereas since the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11th, 2001, threats and incidents of violence have been directed at law-abiding, patriotic Americans of African, Arab, and South Asian descent; particularly members of the Islamic faith;"
Not only do they hypocritically use the term "patriotic", but they also forget to mention how the Arab nations have subjugated the very races they do mention, certainly the ones of African descent, and it should be noted that they unsurprisingly neglected to mention Jews, and, come to think of it, Latinos as well, in their resolution.

Unless they can do better than that, I'd suggest they get themselves a new hobby.

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