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Sunday, October 09, 2005 

Nobel no-prize

Guess who's been awarded the Nobel Orwellian Peace Prize? Mohammed Elbaradei, head honcho of the International Atomic Energy Agency, a very notorious anti-Americanist (and I wouldn't be surprised if he were also an anti-Israelist). And thus does the Norwegian company responsible for putting out this "prize" prove that it's nothing but a totally politicized joke. As Neal Boortz points out, this is why he won:
Supposedly for his efforts in limiting the spread of nuclear weapons. Right. Let's take a look at his record, shall we? On ElBaradei's watch, we have seen his inept bungling when it comes to Iraq. Under his Nobel Prize-winning oversight, North Korea and Iran have become nuclear powers. What a guy! He's been a complete failure, but such success has to be rewarded in the international community.

But if you look a little closer, you see the real reason ElBaradei was chosen. It turns out he has been running around for a couple years bashing the United States and George Bush over the claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. So once again, the Nobel Peace Prize goes to the most anti-American person they can find.

True to form, expect ElBaradei's acceptance speech to include criticism of the United States. It's all part of the America-hating template at the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
The phony prize cup, you might say, is just something that they award to whomever they see as being part of their collective conscience, and outsiders are not allowed to receive it. It should not be recognized as a true award any more than the Oscars or the Emmys, and the Nobel Committee would be best avoided by anyone with sense.

As Little Green Footballs says:
"This completes the transformation of the Nobel Peace Prize into a politically-motivated sideshow, with no connection whatsoever to reality."
And just as I feared, the Bush administration, despite Elbaradei's awful deeds, applauded his winning of the prize, with Condi Rice saying the following:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice issued a statement saying the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency deserved the honor.
What a shame. Another show of farce by the Dubya administration, showing just how badly they're continuing their trip downhill.

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin. Others on the subject include Wizbang, Strange Women Lying in Ponds, Cheat-Seeking Missiles, A Blog for All, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Whole Wheat Blogger, Say Anything, Joe Grossberg, The Zero Point, Caerdroia, Dougie Pundit, Joust the Facts, Indepundit, The Heretik, Tannerball, She Who will be Obeyed, Outside the Beltway, The Jawa Report, The Glittering Eye, Politechnical, Don Surber (via NIF), Meryl Yourish, plus special spoofs from Lawrence Simon and Point Five.

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