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Thursday, October 06, 2005 

Canada's National Post provides more info on the al-Dura myth

Nidra Poller, who wrote the article in Commentary magazine last month exposing France 2's lies about an Arab youngster supposedly being killed by Israeli troops during 2000, writes another article in the National Post that provides more info on the abominable lie the TV station pandered to the Islamist world (Hat tip: Jihad Watch.):
'In the first year of the Intifada, 581 Palestinians and 34 Israelis were killed. This was because the IDF ... is the least moral [army] in the world. I want to remind the entire world that saw how the boy Muhammad al-Dura was killed while the soldiers sat and laughed.' -- West Bank Tanzim chief Marwan Barghouti in the closing arguments of his Israeli terrorism trial in 2003.

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Five years ago last Friday, on Sept. 30, 2000, the now-famous Muhammad al-Dura death scene flashed on the world's television screens for the first time, instantly creating a powerful icon of Palestinian suffering. Viewers were stunned at the sight of a man and a boy cringing in fear, allegedly targeted by Israeli gunfire, captured on film by a French cameraman. In the flash of a minute, their tragic fate was announced by France 2 correspondent Charles Enderlin: "One more round of gunfire, Muhammad is dead, his father critically wounded."

The news report was distributed to the international media free of charge by the state-owned French channel. Viewers felt as if they could enter into the very heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict and seize its essence. The image of the 12-year-old Palestinian boy killed by Israeli soldiers -- or so viewers were told -- was given unprecedented exposure. Muhammad al-Dura became the poster boy of the al-Aqsa Intifada, inspiring a Palestinian death cult, and provoking murderous hatred of Israelis and Jews in the Arab and Muslim world.

But what really happened at Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip on Sept. 30, 2000? Close examination of available evidence shows that the al-Dura death scene was deliberately fabricated, and that this fabrication fits into a broader strategy of violent confrontation masked as resistance.
Keep reading this article, because this too is very good.

Also available at Basil's Blog, Bright and Early, Jo's Cafe, Outside the Beltway, Wizbang, The Mudville Gazette, Cafe Oregano, Point Five, Cao's Blog, Stop the ACLU, The Political Teen, California Conservative.

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