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Sunday, October 16, 2005 

Two dead from terrorist attack in Gush Etzion area

Another result of Ariel Sharon's suicidal policies:
17:06 Oct 16, '05 / 13 Tishrei 5766

(IsraelNN.com) Magen David Adom personnel say two Israelis have died as a result of a shooting attack at the Gush Etzion Junction south of Jerusalem. Preliminary reports say four other people were wounded in the shooting, one of them seriously. According to the reports, the victims were in two vehicles at the hitch-hiking station. The Israeli army is trying to coordinate efforts with the Palestinian Authority (PA) to locate the terrorists, who were last seen headed toward PA assigned Bethlehem.
Just as I thought, wasting time "coordinating" with the wrong scum. As if it weren't bad enough that they were encouraging this kind of trash through shows of weakness, they continue to communicate with the PLO, which is responsible for encouraging this kind of murderous behavior.

Update: Now it's three victims of murder and five people injured. As Shaul Goldstein, head of the Gush Etzion regional council, says here:
Goldstein told Israel TV: "Many people were murdered in the area since the outbreak of the Oslo war, but the army gradually gained control of the situation by closing down side roads adjacent to the highway which the Jewish civilians use. The IDF drastically reduced the attacks. Then, the political echelons suggested confidence-building concessions, which are always made by Israelis to the Arabs, including the opening of the side roads. We begged them not to saying that they will again be used as escape routes following murders of Jews. Today's murders are the result of this policy."
Here's who the culprits are:
The Al Aksa Brigades, a terror group associated with the Fatah PLO faction claimed responsibility for the attack. PA chief Mahmoud Abbas is a member of the Fatah party that controls the Palestinian Authority.
So it's offensive that the Israeli government should want to do any business with these monsters.

In One Jerusalem's entry dealing with subject, there is some good news to go with it though:
Meanwhile our friends at the International Christian Embassy have donated a considerable sum of money to evacuees from Gaza.
That's certainly good, and it's always a very good thing to meet a righteous gentile, as the saying goes. I give my biggest thanks to the International Christian Embassy for their good deed.

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