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Wednesday, January 04, 2006 

New developments in Sharon corruption probe: the Schlaff brothers

The Israeli authorities have uncovered new evidence revealing that Ariel Sharon took bribes from the Austrian businessmen brothers Martin and James Schlaff, as reported by the Jerusalem Post (Hat tip: The Last Amazon):
Police announced on Tuesday that they have collected evidence indicating that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon allegedly received $3 million from Austrian businessmen Martin and James Schlaff. The money, police suspect, may have been given as a bribe to Sharon to promote the Schlaff brother's business interests in Israel.

Part of the money, police said, was used by Sharon to repay illegal campaign contributions he received in the 1999 Likud primaries. The rest of the money, sources said, was pocketed by the Sharon family.


In court documents, obtained by The Jerusalem Post and first revealed by Channel 10 on Tuesday night, the police spelled out its suspicions against the prime minister and claimed to have evidence that the money was transferred to Sharon by the Schlaff brothers - known Austrian-Jewish businessmen.

"During the investigation, evidence was found that points to the involvement of James Schlaff and his brother Martin in the transfer of $3 million to the prime minister's family," read the document, which was presented to the Rishon Letzion Magistrate's Court this week. "Part of the money was used to return illegal campaign contributions the prime minister received and had to return, and part remained in the hands of the Sharon family."

On December 22, after learning that James Schlaff was visiting Israel, police raided his parent's home here and confiscated two laptop computers, cellular phones and documents. "The new evidence is material that we did not have before and is certainly a positive turn in the investigation," one senior officer said.
There may also be new developments in the case involving Cyril Kern as well, from what I could see in Ma'ariv today. And no, this most certainly does not bode well for Sharon's image.

In another development this week, Sharon's son Omri resigned from the Knesset. And that's a good thing, since now, not only can another Likud member join (it'll be attorney David Mena), but the party will also be able to regain any funding that the Sharons were trying to hijack when they split from the Likud.

But as the case involving the Schlaff brothers shows, Ariel Sharon cannot expect the shadow of corruption that's been looming over his campaign to wear off so easily.

Others on the subject include Blog Free, Israpundit, DiasporaNews.


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