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Saturday, April 08, 2006 

Illegal alien bill shelved, but there's every chance it'll return

Well now, that was fast.

It's really irritating how the Senate was basically trying bait the public with their stupidity.

As Michelle Malkin warns, if the public lets down its guard, this nonsense will come back. Realizing this, that's why it's important thus to start some kind of campaign to get the amnesty canned altogether.

The knee-jerk ABC News says this about Bill Frist:
Frist, R-Tenn., a potential presidential candidate in 2008, sought to establish more conservative credentials when he initially backed a bill limited to border security. At the same time, he has repeatedly called for a comprehensive bill adopting Bush's rhetoric and involved himself in the fitful negotiations over the past several days.
Sorry, Bill, but if you're going to go and support something that's basically unconstitutional, then you're out of the presidential race as far as I'm concerned, and will have won NO conservative credentials. On the other hand, if Tom Tancredo keeps up the good work at his end, I think he'll make a perfect candidate by contrast.

All concerned may also want to be on the lookout for the anti-borders crowd that's emerging from the shadows again. And be sure to read this article by Diana West about how amnesty for illegals and even support for it is becoming similar to the forcing of Islamic dhimmitude.

Others on the subject include California Conservative, The Galvin Opinion, Church and State, Sister Toldjah, Suitably Flip, Stop the ACLU, Sagebrush, Right Minded, Iowa Voice, Small Town Veteran, Narcissistic Views on News/Politics, Amber, A Lady's Ruminations, Wizbang, Freedom Watch, Atlas Blogged, Wall Street Cafe.


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