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Thursday, October 19, 2006 

French court rules in favor of Enderlin against Karsenty in al-Dura case

It may have seemed like it was going positively at first, but now, it looks like the court in France that was presiding over the case of France 2 television went and ruled in Charles Enderlin's favor, as Richard Landes at the Augean Stables reports.

I have a hunch that Chirac, whom I'd call a neo-Vichyite, may have been twisting the arms of justice, pointing to the biggest problem being that the trial outcome was fixed, and the government most likely had a hand in that, given that France 2 is state-owned. If you ask me, people not just in France but outside as well, should start voicing their protests against this ruling. I strongly recommend contacting the French embassy in the US or, in your country, about this. (For the embassy in Israel, the e-mail is: diplomatie@ambafrance-il.org)

Karsenty said once that he wouldn't be perturbed by a ruling like this in his quest for justice, but that doesn't mean that we should be silent. So if you can, do something about it. The MSM in France, such as L'Express (which Landes looks at here), should also be taken to task, because they too were basically in favor of all this fauxtography.

Others on the subject include Michelle Malkin, Plus Ultra, Israel Matzav, It Shines for All, Dhimmi Watch, Tai Chi Policy, Ace of Spades HQ, Atlas Shrugs, Kesher Talk, Blogitude, Pajamas Media, The Belmont Club, The Muslim Question, Peaktalk, Zionist Conspiracy, Somewhere on A1A, Low Earth Orbit, Blog-o-Fascists, Tundra Tabloids.

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