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Wednesday, October 25, 2006 

Michelle's interview with Mark

Michelle Malkin interviews Mark Steyn on Hot Air, mostly about his new book, America Alone. Speaking of which, I may be taking part in a bloggers conference with Mark tomorrow.

Mark and Michelle spoke about how - get this - Ahmedinejad himself called for Muslims to increase their birthrate for the purpose of jihad. While the birthrates of a lot of Muslim communities are going down, this is one of the reasons why Mark justly feels that infidel communities need to increase their own birthrates as well, regardless of whether or not we can succeed in getting the jihad-breeders out of our own countries as soon as possible or not.

While we're on the subject, some good news from France is that Sarkozy has revoked the security clearances for as many as 43 Muslims working in the Paris airport:
43 workers at the Charles de Gaulle airport have all had their access badges suspended by Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. All 43 are Muslims...

In a further crackdown on security, Nicolas Sarkozy has focused on Charles de Gaulle airport, withdrawing the access cards for 43 Muslim workers. Muslim groups have been quick to accuse the Interior Minister of racial profiling, but Sarkozy has stood his ground.

"This is not racial profiling. There were specific elements that led us to believe these people would be a threat to security," said Sarkozy.

Claude Moniquet, head of the Brussels-based European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center, said that authorities had evidence that these workers were attending radical prayer rooms, and had extremist tendencies. These Muslim baggage handlers would have had access to runways and secure areas, he said. Some of them had even chosen to spend their holidays in Pakistan, allegedly at terrorist training camps.

Nicolas Sarkozy has claimed that he is unaffected by claims that 6 of the baggage handlers will take their cases to court, stating that he would rather face litigation than a terrorist attack.

"I will not have people with radical tendencies working in sensitive positions of security", he stated. "I would rather face them in court than face a terrorist threat." Already, unions are claiming that Sarkozy's methods are unfair, with the CFDT union notably accusing the Interior Minister of ignoring people's rights.
I certainly hope he will stand firm against them. That's also what Phillipe Karsenty of Media Ratings needs to do when it comes to taking France 2 TV to task.

Also available at Adam's Blog, Basil's Blog, Blue Star Chronicles, bRight & Early, The Bullwinkle Blog, The Clash of Civilizations, The Mudville Gazette, Random Yak, Stuck on Stupid, Third World County. Others on the subjects include Peaktalk, Mary Katherine Ham, Wizbang, We Should Live, The Political Pitt Bull.

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  • I'm Avi Green
  • From Jerusalem, Israel
  • I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I also enjoyed reading a lot of comics when I was young, the first being Fantastic Four. I maintain a strong belief in the public's right to knowledge and accuracy in facts. I like to think of myself as a conservative-style version of Clark Kent. I don't expect to be perfect at the job, but I do my best.
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