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Thursday, October 11, 2007 

Mahmoud Abbas-controlled newspaper incites against American troops

Again, Fatah shows how in truth, they're against the war in Iraq, and are just as dangerous to US army soldiers as the al Qaeda terrorists:
(IsraelNN.com) Al-Hayat al-Jadida, the largest Palestinian Authority (PA) daily newspaper controlled by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, featured a cartoon this week that illustrated a prayer for the killing of Americans. A Muslim is shown kneeling in prayer facing a U.S. B-2 stealth bomber, silhouetted in the sky.

The words of the cartoon character's prayer adorn four missiles aimed at the American plane. These are his wishes:

"Allah, scatter them!!"

“And turn their wives into widows!!"

“And turn their children into orphans!!"

“And give us victory over them!!"

According to Palestinian Media Watch, which reported the story, this plea for the death and bereavement of Americans is a special prayer for Laylat Al-Qadr (the 27th day of Ramadan), as is noted in the corner of the cartoon.

Publications in the PA and by Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction have a history of promoting support for those who fight and kill Americans. The most recently published 12th grade PA schoolbooks, for example, use the phrase "brave resistance" to describe terror attacks against American and British soldiers in Iraq. [PMW Study of the New 12th grade PA schoolbooks, page 24]

On Laylat al-Qadr, literally the Night of Decree, Muslims recite a large number of prayers. The Shi'a Muslims in particular stay awake all night, pray, and make wishes.

As the PA calls for the death of Americans, the American government is making preparations for a summit meeting it will host next month between Israel's leadership and the PA's Mahmoud Abbas, whom it regards as a moderate.
Incitement like what that newspaper does also encourages more hostility towards American troops in Iraq from local terrorists. And the Dubya administration is still willing to live in denial about this?

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