12Tribe Films wishes Israel a happy 60th
For Israel's 60th anniversary, the 12Tribe Films site and blog is wishing a happy birthday for the state with the following video:
Here's also a press release they've got:
Here's also a press release they've got:
LEARNING TORAH ON SHAVUOT NIGHT FOR SDEROTYes, this is also a showing of solidarity with Sderot.
Introducing the Shavuot Mishnathon for Sderot
With the holiday of Shavuot approaching, and people preparing to stay up to learn Torah on Shavuot evening, 12Tribe Films Foundation (www.12tribefilms.org) and the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva (www.sderot.org) are introducing the "Shavuot Mishnathon" - where people can learn Torah to support the people of Sderot.
This year young and old, schools and communities can all join together and pledge to learn a number of mishnayot on Shavuot night while seeking sponsorships from family and friends. The Shavout Mishnathon allows all to learn together and help an institution that is helping the people of Sderot. All proceeds go directly to the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva.
See the video on the Yeshiva here - http://12tribefilms.org/mishnathonforsderot
The situation in Sderot remains unsettling with rockets falling on the community on a daily basis. Despite the situation, the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva has continued to flourish with over 500 students and has become a pillar in the community, reaching out to those in need, from all walks of life, during these difficult times.
Now the Yeshiva is embarking on a major campaign to construct new "kassam proof" dormitories on campus. These units are in immediate need, as the students were forced off campus and into temporary housing since their dormitories were deemed unsafe from rocket attacks.
The Shavuot Mishnathon allows all to learn together and help an institution that is helping the people of Sderot.
Students or community members can all take part in the Shavuot Mishnathon.
All individuals or institutions interested in joining should send an email to avi@12tribefilms.org to request the Mishnathon program packet with all the materials needed to run and take part in the Mishnathon.
This year Jews worldwide can all connect on the Shavuot holiday by learning Torah and supporting our fellow Jews in Sderot.
All questions or inquiries can be sent to avi@12tribefilms.org
Avi Abelow
Founder and CEO
12Tribe Films Foundation
US (W) 718-577-1390
Fax - 718-303-9957
Israel 972-524-519-609
Skype: 12Tribe Films
12Tribe Films Foundation is a program provider specializing in movies and cultural events that show a side of the Jewish and Israeli narrative that receives little attention in the public discourse today. Our aim is to provide programs that allow people to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the Jewish people and the Land of Israel today.
See our premier production: http://www.12tribefilms.org/homegame