Father of handicapped child recieved threats after protesting Obamacare
Joshuapundit presents a video of a father who asked his local Congressman in Michigan why his son, who's got cerebral palsy, would not be covered under Obama's socialist healthcare program, and then later received threats at home, possibly from ACORN and SEIU thugs.
Yes, this is what it's come down to when Obama is now president. Whoever those creepy people are who made those threats, I hope the police are searching for them now.
Update: and while we're on the subject, a citizen journalist was attacked by a group of decidedly un-American thugs at another of these townhall meetings.
Update 2: public support for Obamacare has plunged to new lows (also via Hot Air).
Others on the subject include Michelle Malkin, Frugal Cafe Blog Zone, NeoAvatara.
Yes, this is what it's come down to when Obama is now president. Whoever those creepy people are who made those threats, I hope the police are searching for them now.
Update: and while we're on the subject, a citizen journalist was attacked by a group of decidedly un-American thugs at another of these townhall meetings.
Update 2: public support for Obamacare has plunged to new lows (also via Hot Air).
Others on the subject include Michelle Malkin, Frugal Cafe Blog Zone, NeoAvatara.
Labels: Moonbattery, political corruption, United States