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Saturday, November 14, 2009 

Obama bows to the Japanese Emperor

First, it was to the Saudi king. Now, he's taken a bow before the Emperor of Japan. You might not think it as bad as bowing to the overlord of the House of Saud, a country that, unlike Japan, is still run by tyranny, but still, it's very extremely stupid, and the Emperor and Empress themselves should really have pointed that out to him as well, if they too are deserving of any criticism. Once again, Obama has shown that he clearly has no understanding of the protocols and beliefs of American politics, nor do any of his advisors.

One has to wonder though: will he be bowing for European royalty next? Or isn't it funny that he hasn't? Indeed, why would he bow for the king of Saudi Arabia and now the Emperor of Japan but not for the royal family of say, Sweden? Or is he planning to, when even in Europe, they've long adopted and accepted simpler greetings themselves like handshakes and would surely find it insulting by now to have one take a bow to people like them?

Update: Thomas Lifson at the American Thinker points out how Obama's bow isn't even how they do it in Japan: they don't touch/shake hands at the same time as they bow! Indeed, the Emperor and Empress do seem embarrassed, much as they try not to.

Others on the subject include One Free Korea, Michelle Malkin, Stop the ACLU, Frisk a Liberal, Ed Driscoll, Always to the Right, Cold Fury, Natural Fake, Scared Monkeys, Missourah, Flopping Aces, The Black Kettle, Conservative Viewpoint Blog, Quipster, AntiObamaBlog, The American Pundit, Moonbat Patrol, Inzax, Texas Broadside, Ironic Surrealism, Ramparts360, Power Line.

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