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Monday, June 20, 2011 

The real reason Chris Christie is unsuitable for president

Neil Braithwaite at Canada Free Press presents some reasons why NJ governor Chris Christie won't run for president, and shouldn't (Hat tip: Israpundit):
Back in January of this year, Gov. Christie appointed attorney Sohail Mohammed to a state Superior Court judgeship.

On the surface, this judicial appointment by Gov. Christie doesn’t seem like much of a story, except for the fact that Sohail Mohammed just happens to be an attorney who defended several Muslims shortly after 9/11 who had ties to terror organizations.

And it’s also the same Sohail Mohammed whose most high-profile case was trying to keep the government from deporting Mohammed Qatanani, the Palestinian imam of the Islamic Center in Passaic County, NJ, who also happens to be a documented member of the radical American Muslim Union, a staunch supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and an admitted member of Hamas.

After 9/11, government authorities uncovered Mohammed Qatanani’s ties to radical Islamic groups and began official proceedings to have him deported. Fortunately for Qatanani, a board member of the American Muslim Union happened to be attorney Sohail Mohammed, who agreed to represent the imam in the government’s deportation case.

Interestingly, the American Muslim Union had enough influence to somehow persuade then U.S. attorney Chris Christie, to intervene on behalf of imam Qatanani during his deportation trial.

Now aside from the fact that Gov. Christie appointed a radical Islamist sympathizer as a state Superior Court Judge, what U. S. attorney Chris Christie actually did to help imam Qatanani during his deportation trial should be cause enough to raise the eyebrows of any conservative trying to encourage the governor to run for president.
I fully agree here. Based on this disturbing news, Christie is unfit to be president and conservatives should not encourage him to run either.

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