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Wednesday, November 07, 2012 

Again, it doesn't look like many Jews voted Republican

Again, the GOP has been defeated in the election, and Mitt Romney's conceded gracefully. It's very sad this had to happen. At this point I'm beginning to wonder: where did some of those polls suggesting Romney had a chance come from? If they were cooked up by conservative sources, one can only wonder if they were exaggerated just to be encouraging when reality signaled otherwise.

As for now, I am most definitely disgusted by the damage the now former Congressman Todd Akin caused when he spluttered away about "legitimate rape" and then refused to exit the race. He actually deserves whatever he got. I have a feeling he decided to be a burden upon the GOP and sabotage their efforts deliberately, and if he did, he should be shunned by civilized society. He owes a public apology to both women and the conservative movement for his horrific atrocity, but sadly, he may not give one at all.

Now as for the Jewish vote, I discovered that again, the GOP spectacularly failed to lure much of the Jewish crowd, what with 69 percent voting for Obama, and that includes the Satmar community:
The radical wings of the haredi camp, which is based in the US, thinks otherwise: During the last few weeks, the anti Zionist Satmar sect has been leading an intense campaign on haredi radio stations and internet networks.

Their goal is to persuade voters to neutralize the pro-Israeli factor in the election, with some even specifically calling for the election of Obama, who is perceived by some as hostile towards the community.
There are plenty of ultra-Orthodox in the USA who can vote to the right but the Satmar, with their degrading mindset aren't among them. That aside, what's the use, the election's come and gone, and we see how incredibly, miscalculations were made everywhere, resulting in Obama winning a second term. Here's some more to ponder from Ron Radosh, Jonathan Tobin, John Hinderaker, Ben Shapiro and Joel Pollak.

And I hope that the right in Israel is going to be careful how it, by comparison, runs a campaign, because here we cannot afford to lose the way the GOP sadly did.

Update: The Daily Caller's Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel have some very good observations about why Romney lost the election, and Cliff Kincaid is correct when he says that some of the commentators who appeared on Fox have lost their reliability.

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I know the Jews are still in the tank for teh Democrat party. But this election was stolen clear and simple. There was voter fraud all across the country and the fact is that nearly all of it was in states WITHOUT voter ID. Democrats oppose voter ID because it makes it SO much harder to vote multiple times. #WAR

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